Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Accelerating Battle Spirit (加速する闘気) is a Super Attack used by Goku (Ultra Instinct).


Goku appears behind the opponent while charging up an Energy Wave before flipping backwards. Goku can spend another bar of Ki to turn this move into Unpolished Instinct


  • When about to being attacked, use this to cancel opponent’s combo
  • when you’ve run out of combo options, use this to extend, or if you have 2 ki bars ore more, use the Unpolished Instinct to get some more dmg on your opponent


Goku (Ultra Instinct)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Secret SensationShining Soul
Special Move(s) Unrestrained WillGodly DisplayAutonomous FistGodly StrikeTranscendenceEmbodied LightUnencumbered MindKamehamehaRising Heat
Super Attack(s) Accelerating Battle SpiritUnpolished InstinctGuiding Impulse
Meteor Attack(s) Silver Dragon Flash