Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Move List
Frame Data

Images sourced from the Dustloop wiki.

Ease of Use
Android 18's stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website.

Normal Attacks[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L 400 Crouch
DBFZ Android 18 5L A quick shin kick.
Input LInput L 700 All
DBFZ Android 18 5LL An open palm strike.
Input LInput LInput L 1000 All
DBFZ Android 18 5LLL A lunging knee strike.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M 700 All
DBFZ Android 18 5M A running hook punch.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H 850 All
DBFZ Android 18 5H Moves forward and does a roundhouse kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S 300 [1080] All
DBFZ Android 18 5S Fires a ki blast forward. Can be repeated four more times.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input L 400 Crouch
DBFZ Android 18 2L Pokes the ground with her foot.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input M 700 Crouch
DBFZ Android 18 2M Does a sweepkick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H 850 All
DBFZ Android 18 2H A jumping upward heel kick that launches the opponent. Immune to air attacks.

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input S 600 All
DBFZ Android 18 2S Hops and fires a ki blast to the ground.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input M 850 Stand
DBFZ Android 18 jH A jumping double axe handle.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L (in air) 400 Stand
DBFZ Android 18 jL A midair jab.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M (in air) 700 Stand
DBFZ Android 18 jM A midair split kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H (in air) 850 Stand
DBFZ Android 18 jH A double axe handle.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S (in air) 600 All
DBFZ Android 18 2S Fires a ki blast diagonally toward the ground. Stalls movement for a moment but once the attack is finished her movement continues.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H (in air) 850 All
DBFZ Android 18 j2H A double-legged flip kick that launches the opponent. Stalls 18's air momentum.

Special Moves[]

Back Grapple (グラップバック)
DBFZ Android18 BackGrab Grabs the opponent and throws them.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input L 1200
Grabs the opponent, slams them down the other side, and then stomps on them. Causes a small sliding knockdown.
Input 236Input M 1395 [800]
Grabs the opponent and throws them behind her with 17 appearing and double axe handles them to the ground. Causes a sliding knockdown. There is a gap between the attacks and the sliding knockdown that can be used to call assists. Much longer startup than the Input L variant. Holding down Input M will not make 17 appear for the follow-up attack.
Input 236Input H 1595 [1000]
Much like the Input M grab, but 17 now kicks them upward, allowing much easier follow-ups. Holding Input H prevents 17 from coming out. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Support Attack (サポートアタック)
DBFZ Android18 SupportAttack1 Calls in Android 17, who performs a variety of attack depending which input is used.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input L 700 All
17 appears and does a knee strike.
Input 214Input M 1000 All
17 appears and does a charging hook punch and then an open palm punch. If either attacks hit the opponent, 17 follows up with a roundhouse kick.
Input 214Input H (air OK) 1717 All
17 appears behind 18 and makes a speech. If the opponent call for an assist, 17 moves in above the assisting opponent and fires a downward ki blast. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Input 214Input S 750 All
17 appears behind 18 and fires three ki blasts.
Input 214Input L (in air) 700 All
17 appears and does an upward kick.
Input 214Input M (in air) 810 All
17 appears does a hook punch and then a double axe handle.
Input 214Input S (in air)
17 appears and does a barrier.
Destructo-Disc (気円斬)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input S 1000 All
DBFZ Android18 DestructoDisc Fires a razor sharp disk forward. Holding Input 8 or Input 2 can change the discs trajectory slightly.
Barrier (バリア)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input 2Input S (air OK)
DBFZ Android18 Barrier Creates a barrier that nullifies energy attacks and some physical attacks.


Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Z-Assist A: Barrier (バリア)
Input A1/Input A2
DBFZ Android18 Barrier Appears in front of the leading character and creates a barrier, which nullifies any incoming attacks.
Z-Assist B: Destructo-Disc (気円斬)
Input A1/Input A2 800 All
DBFZ Android18 DestructoDisc Fires a razor sharp disk forward.
Z-Assist C: Support Attack (サポート攻撃)
Input A1/Input A2 450x2 All
DBFZ Android 18 5LLL Performs a combination attack consisting on Input LInput L, Input LInput LInput L.

Super Attack[]

Energy Wave (エネルギーウェイブ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input LInput M or Input HInput S
(air OK)
2018 All
DBFZ Android18 EnergyWave Teleports above the opponent's current position and fires a ki blast downward. This move does not track vertically. Consumes one Ki gauge.

Meteor Attack[]

Accel Dance (アクセルダンス)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input LInput M or Input HInput S
(air OK)
4218 All
1599px-DBFZ Android18 AccelDance Calls 17 and the two twins charge at the opponent to beat them up relentlessly, which concludes with both of them firing an energy wave at the opponent. If Krillin is on 18's team and is still alive, he will replace 17 and the animation of the rush will be changed though the damage remains the same. Consumes three Ki gauges.


Playable Characters' Move List in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)