Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Move List
Frame Data
Combo List

Images sourced from the Dustloop wiki.

Ease of Use
Android 21 (Lab Coat)'s stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website.

Normal Attacks[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L 400 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5L A low kick.
Input LInput L 560 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5LL A high kick.
Input LInput LInput L 1730 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5LLL1
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5LLL2
TRSP DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5LLL3
A double slap.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M 1045 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5M 2 chops with the same hand.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H 1000 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5H A stepping side kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S 300 [1080] All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5S Fires a up to 5 ki blasts at the opponent.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input L 400 Crouch
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 2L A low shinkick.
Input 2Input LInput L 320 Crouch
A second kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input M 1045 Crouch
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 2M 2 chops at her opponent's feet.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H 1000 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 2H A swipe that launches the opponent. Immune to air-attacks.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input S 300 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 5S Throws a single ki blast.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input M 850 Stand
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 jH A jumping rotating split kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L (in air) 400 Stand
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 jL A quick knee attack.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M (in air) 600 [1080] Stand
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 jM A double clawing motion
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H (in air) 850 Stand
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 jH A rotating split kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S (in air) 300 [930] Stand
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 jS Fires up to 4 ki blasts downward.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H (in air) 850 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 j2H A spinning side kick.

Special Moves[]

Delectable Strike
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input H 850 Standing
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 DelectableStrike Flips forward with an outside kick. Causes a mild ground bounce.
Granita Edge
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 3Input H 750 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 Granita Edge Jumps forward with a slide kick.
Savory Slicer
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 SavorySlicer Spins while moving forward with a red ki blade.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input L (air OK) 820 [930] All
The travelling distance is short.
Input 214Input M (air OK) 1030 [1037] All
Travels slightly further. Deals more damage, but there's more startup. Causes a mild wall bounce.
Input 214Input H (air OK) 1422 [1532] All
Travels same distance as the Input M variant, but contains the Input L variant's startup speed along while having a slightly higher damage output & causes a greater wall bounce. Consumes half a ki gauge.
Vertical Savory Slicer
Spins while moving forward and up with a red ki blade.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input L (air OK) 762 [836] Any
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 VerticalSavorySlicer Travels shortest distance and height. Causes a soft floor bounce.
Input 236Input M (air OK) 802 [930] All
Travels higher and slightly further. Deals more damage, but there's more startup. Causes a floor slide.
Input 236Input H (air OK) 917 [1099] All
Travels same distance as the Input M variant, but contains the Input L variant's startup speed along while having a slightly higher damage output & causes a greater floor slide. Consumes half a ki gauge.
Mignardise Heel
Stomps the ground. Can be done on a floored opponent.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input 2Input L 900 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 MignardiseHeel Causes a mild floor bounce.
Input 2Input 2Input M 1000 All
Deals more damage, but there's more startup. Causes a greater floor bounce than Input L version.
Input 2Input 2Input H 1100 All
Contains the Input L variant's startup speed along while having a slightly higher damage output & causes a greater floor bounce. Consumes half a ki gauge.
Photon Swipe
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input S (air OK) 209 [1098] All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 PhotonSwipe Fires a beam from her finger.
Connoisseur Cut (テイスティングカット)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input S (air OK) 1000 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 ConnoisseurCut1
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 ConnoisseurCut2
Grabs her opponent, then stabs them with her other hand.
Barrier Sphere
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input 2Input S (air OK) 0
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 BarrierSphere Creates a barrier that nullifies and oncoming attacks. The barrier will not stop any oncoming Super or Meteor Attacks.


Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Z-Assist A: Z-Assist A: Savory Slicer
Input A1/Input A2 596 [647] All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 SavorySlicer Rushes forward while spinning with ki blades.
Z-Assist B: Z-Assist B: Barrier Sphere
Input A1/Input A2 - All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 BarrierSphere Appears at the player's location and creates a barrier to stop attacks.
Z-Assist C: Z-Assist C: Photon Swipe
Input A1/Input A2 1045 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 PhotonSwipe Fires a beam at the opponent, then she teleports behind the enemy and smacks them down with a ki blade chop.

Super Attack[]

Total Detonation Ball (アブソリュートリリースボール)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input LInput M
(air OK)
2121 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 TotalDetonationBall1
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 TotalDetonationBall2
Launches a black & red Ki ball diagonally down a la Death Ball. Consumes one Ki gauge.
Photon Pulse (フォトンウェイブ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input HInput S 2121 None
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 PhotonPulse Creates a close-range blast of black & red Ki, blasting the opponent away. Ground only. Consumes one Ki gauge.
Total Evasion
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input HInput S
(in air)
2121 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 TotalDetonationBall1 Teleports behind the opponent and launches a black & red Ki ball diagonally down a la Death Ball.. Consumes one Ki gauge.

Meteor Attacks[]

Appetizing Rush
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input LInput M (air OK) 4321 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 AppetizingRush1
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 AppetizingRush2
Dashes forward at the opponent and barrages them with strikes, including a Savory Slicer, ending with an exploding knife-hand strike. Consumes three Ki gauges.
Excellent Full Course (エクセレントフルコース)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input HInput S
(air OK)
4121 All
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 ExcellentFullCourse1
DBFZ Lab Coat Android 21 ExcellentFullCourse2
Dashes forward at the opponent and proceeds to assault them continuously by quickly moving from left to right on the screen in the air before driving them into the ground and finishes them off with a Hell Flash. Consumes three Ki gauges.


Playable Characters' Move List in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)