Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
She says to him or her, "Time to get serious!" Generic
She says to him or her, "You're done!"

Team Dialogues[]

Line Situation
Assist Call
She says to him or her, "Help!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Help!"
She says to him, "Goku!" calling Goku
She says to him, "Vegeta!" calling Vegeta
She says to him, "Piccolo" calling Piccolo
She says to him, "Gohan!" calling Gohan (Teen)
She says to him, "Frieza!" calling Frieza
She says to him, "Trunks!" calling Trunks
She says to him, "Cell!" calling Cell
She says to her, "18!" calling Android 18
She says to him, "Gotenks!" calling Gotenks
She says to him, "Krillin!" calling Krillin
She says to him, "Buu!" calling Majin Buu
She says to him, "Nappa!" calling Nappa
She says to him, "16!" calling Android 16
She says to him, "16! Help!"
She says to him, "Yamcha!" calling Yamcha
She says to him, "Tien!" calling Tien
She says to him, "Gohan!" calling Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "17!" calling Android 17
She says to her, "Videl!" calling Videl
She says to him, "Hermit!" calling Master Roshi
Z Assist
She says to him or her, "Let me help you." Generic
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
She says to him or her, "I'll assist you!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
She says to him or her, "Please, allow me." Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
She says to him or her, "I don't think so!" Generic
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
She says to him or her, "If you would..." Generic
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
She says to him or her, "Thank you." Generic

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
She says, "I'll fight if I have to!" Generic
She says to him or her, "If you stand in my way, I'll make you suffer!"
She says to him, "Your growth exceeds my predictions!" vs. Cell
She says to him, "Don't try to stop me, Android 16!" vs. Android 16


Line Situation
She says to him, "I summon you, Shenron!" Summoning Shenron
She says to him, "I ask for your help!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
She says, "What is... this power...?" "Make me immortal!"
She says to him, "Please...heal my wounds!" "Restore my health!"
She says to him, "Please bring them all back!" "Bring back my allies!"


Line Situation
Combo (5K Damage)
She says, "My research is paying off!" Generic


Line Situation
She says, "My apologies..." Down
She says, "No, not like this!" K.O.

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

She says to him or her, "Allow me to show my research results!"
She says, "I look forward to gathering more combat data."
She says, "I, too,.. once had a family I deeply cared about..."


Line Situation
She says, "I'm a little reluctant to fight..." Generic
She says to him or her, "Witness the results of my research!"
She says to him, "Goodness me... You really do love to fight, don't you?" vs. Goku
She says to him, "Cell! If I can't control you, then I'll have to destroy you!" vs. Cell
She says to him, "The Saiyan cells inside your body... They're itching for combat, aren't they?"
She says to the two of them, "I know how strong you are... That said... you two're about to become obsolete!" or she says to him, "I know how strong you are... That said... you're about to become obsolete!" vs. Android 18 / Android 17
She says to her, "I have more than enough data on you." vs. Android 18
She says, "This power inside of me... I do hope I can control it." vs. Kid Buu
She says to him, "The cells in your body are part of my composition as well." vs. Majin Buu
She says, "Ngh... Must fight like this...?!" vs. Android 16
She says to him, "Android 16... Why did it have to come to this...?"
She does a "*gasp*" then, she says to him, "You have three eyes?!" vs. Tien
She says to him, "I must say... you appear to have changed a great deal." vs. Android 17


Line Situation
She says to him or her, "This is what happens when you get in my way!" Generic
She says to him or her, "This fight of ours... it will provide useful combat data."
She says to him, "Cell, your advanced growth has provided valuable data." vs. Cell

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
She says, "I won't lose... I can't!" Generic
She says, "I don't have what it takes to protect what matters to me yet... I have to keep pushing myself to becoming stronger!"
She says, "I'm glad I was able to achieve victory. Once I return to the lab, I'll begin my data analysis."
She says, "This is most excellent!... Showing an interest in a wide variety of topics is the mark of me as a promising researcher."
She says, "What a conundrum... How many times will we have to go through these tiresome fights?"
She says to him, "You continue to grow stronger! I'm beginning to think I have insufficient data on you." She's Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan)
She says to him, "Transforming into a Super Saiyan increases your power severalfold, and it appears there are levels to the form." She's Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
She says to him, "Namekians continue to intrigue me... There's still a lot I have yet to figure out about the unique power you possess." She's Allied with Piccolo
She says, "It's hard to believe this juvenile fighter hides enough power to defeat Cell. Saiyans are indeed rather fascinating persons." She's Allied with Gohan (Teen)
She says to him, "I have data on you... I believe it's filed under 'Emperor of the Universe...' You more than exceed the levels my models predicted." She's Allied with Frieza
She says to him, "I can see why you pride yourself as the ultimate lifeform... I, too, am a female bio-android, though I'm not as stable as you..." She's Allied with Cell
She says to her, "I must say I'm honored to have been able to fight by your side, Android 18... You and your brother fight in perfect unison." She's Allied with Android 18
She says, "If previous experiences have taught me anything, Saiyans—even child ones—are not to be underestimated." She's Allied with Gotenks
She says to him, "Majin power is not to be underestimated... And I would know... I become like you when I lose control..." She's Allied with Kid Buu
She says to him, "How peculiar... You possess terrifying power, but I can still sense a kind of innocence about you." She's Allied with Majin Buu
She says to him, "I can think of no better ally to have in a fight than you, Android 16... But... Do try to be more careful." She's Allied with Android 16
She says to him, "You intend to become a scholar...? Aha ha. You're in for a long and difficult road ahead." She's Allied with Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "There's still so much to learn about you, King of Destruction... I simply must study you more..." She's Allied with Beerus
She says to him, "Your mind transference could be the key to unlocking the potential of the link system!" She's Allied with Goku Black
She says to the two of them, "I thank you two for your help. However, as a woman of science, I could do without the sermons and talks of sin." She's Allied with him who is Zamasu (Fused)
She says, "Saiyans, fusions, earrings that combine organisms... So many questions, so little time!" She's Allied with Vegito (SSGSS)
She says to him, "If only I could move on from my past like you have. Try as I might, I still can't do it..." She's Allied with Android 17
She says to him, "I believe there's value in maintaining close ties with family, but it seems you and your kind don't feel the same way." She's Allied with Cooler
She says to him, "I've noticed you draw upon your sadness for your power... You see... I know all too well what it's like to lose someone close to you." She's Allied with Jiren
She says to him, "I have mixed feelings fighting alongside you when you look like... that." She's Allied with Goku (GT)
She says, "Saiyans, merges, body configurations that merge lifeforms... So many questions, so little time!" She's Allied with Gogeta (SSGSS)
She says to him, "You fight with incredible, uninhibited power... I have to update my database on Saiyans!" She's Allied with Broly (DBS)
She says to him, "You call this 'Ultra Instinct'? Is this more of that power you mentioned? I can't seem to find any data on it." She's Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct)
She says to him, "This all warrants a closer analysis... Everything from your mastery of techniques to the control you wield over your body." She's Allied with Master Roshi
She says to him, "So you're a sentient artificial lifeform? I need to get you into the lab so I can run some tests..." She's Allied with Super Baby 2
She says, "This is Great Ape power, isn't it? I'll have to review the files I have on previous Saiyans' transformations..." She's Allied with Gogeta (SS4)


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)