Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Atomic Buster (アトミックバスター) is a Special Move used by Vegito (SSGSS).


Vegito leaps forward and upon catching the opponent turns around and throws them down to the ground.

The Input L variant jumps at a more vertical angle. The throw causes a soft knockdown.

The Input M variant leaps in a more horizontal arc. The throw deals sliding knockdown, but there's notably more startup before Vegito performs the grab.

The Input H variant jump travels in a much more horizontal arc. The throws deals much more damage overall and keeps the Input M variant's sliding knockdown property while having the Input L variant's startup speed.



Vegito (SSGSS)'s Special Move List
Special Move(s) Spiral Heel ShotAtomic BusterSplit Finger ShotBarrier
Super Attack(s) Spirit ExcaliburOmega Finishing Blow
Meteor Attack(s) Final Kamehameha