Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Go away. You annoy me.
—Android 18

Back Grapple (グラップバック) is a Special Move used by Android 18.


This move is a command grab where Android 18 reaches out and grab the foe. On a successful grab, 18 will throw the opponent. The function of the throw depends on the input used to initiate the geab.

The Input L variant has the shortest range and starts up quickly. 18 will throw the opponent to the ground and steps on them.

The Input M variant has a little bit longer range but starts up a little bit slower. 18 throws the foe behind her and calls in Android 17, who will smack them to the ground.

The Input H variant functions similarly to the Input M, except Android 17 instead kicks the opponent up into the air.



Android 18's Special Move List
Special Move(s) Back GrappleSupport AttackDestructo-DiscBarrier
Super Attack(s) Energy Wave
Meteor Attack(s) Accel Dance