Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Caulifla (カリフラ, Karifura) is a Saiyan from Universe 6.


Caulifla leads group of Saiyan punks in Planet Sadala. Much like the Saiyans in Universe 7, she acts more naturally aggressive and is prideful. She joins the Tournament of Power as a representative of Universe 6 in order to get stronger along with reaching strength beyond that of a Super Saiyan.

In Dragon Ball FighterZ[]

Caulifla makes a brief appearance in Kefla's battle entrance where she and Kale use the Potara Earrings to fuse into Kefla.

She also appears in Kefla's victory screen where her fusion runs out, causing both female Saiyans to separate.



Non-Playable Characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Android 17Android 21 (Evil)BulmaBurterCauliflaCheelaiChiaotzuElder KaiGotenGreat SaiyamanGuldoJeiceKaleRecoomeSaibamenSorbetSupreme KaiTrunks (Kid)WhisZamasu