Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Change the Future (チェンジザフューチャー, Mirai o kaeru) is a Special Move used by Trunks.


Trunks charges a short distance forward and unleash a large energy blast. Any basic projectiles will be reflected during this move. Holding down Input S during the charge will cause Trunks not to perform the blast. The feint can be used to reflect basic projectiles, however, the end of the move will not, unlike the regular version. This move is also used as his Z-Assist.


This move is notable for not only being incredibly quick, but having very little hitstun. The Z-Assist version has even less. It is useful during a blockstring to use this attack to finish it, and then attack again. If a foe is mashing buttons, the hitstun is low enough to give them just enough time to try to attack, but they will almost never be faster than the foe. This allows for breaking opponents open who like to mash buttons while blocking.


Trunks's Special Move List
Special Move(s) Shining SlashCyclone JumpCyclone BusterMasenkoChange the Future
Super Attack(s) Burning Attack
Meteor Attack(s) Heat Dome Attack