Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

You're through!
—Piccolo while using this attack

Demon Slicer (魔闘斬手) is a Special Move used by Piccolo.


Piccolo holds one arm then appears above the opponent and attacks with a knifehand strike. The pose grant Piccolo armor, protecting him from any oncoming attacks. When used in the air, Piccolo immediately performs the attack. This move comes in three variations:

The Input L variant has Piccolo attacking from above the opponent at a downward angle.

The Input M variant has Piccolo attacking diagonally from above the opponent.

The Input H variant functions like the Input L variant but is faster, deals more damage, and has better tracking potential.



Piccolo's Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Demon Shocker
Special Move(s) Demon ElbowDemon SlicerHoming Energy Blast
Super Attack(s) Special Beam CannonHellzone Grenade
Meteor Attack(s) Light Grenade