Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Dragon Fist Explosion (龍拳爆発) is a Meteor Attack used by Goku (GT).


Goku does a jumping kick. Upon connection, Goku charges at the opponent and delivers a punch straight through them, then finishes the job by firing a Kamehameha wave. If there are either one or no allies on Goku's team, Goku transforms into his Super Saiyan 4 form and unleashes an energy attack resembling a golden Shrenron at the opponent.



Goku (GT)'s Special Move List
Special Move(s) Dragon Flurry FistDragon Flash Fist (GT Goku)KamehamehaReverse Kamehameha
Super Attack(s) Super Kamehameha (GT Goku)
Meteor Attack(s) Dragon Fist ExplosionSuper Ultra Spirit Bomb