Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Dragon Flash Fist (龍閃掌) is a Special Move used by Goku (GT).


Goku jumps forward and unleashes a blue energy orb in front of himself.

The Input L variant gives off a short groundbounce on hit.

The Input M variant travels slightly further during the jump and the orb now causes minimal sliding knockdown. Deals more damage, but has more startup lag.

The Input H variant track's the opponent's current position on the ground. Deals more damage along with having a stronger sliding knockdown.



Goku (GT)'s Special Move List
Special Move(s) Dragon Flurry FistDragon Flash Fist (GT Goku)KamehamehaReverse Kamehameha
Super Attack(s) Super Kamehameha (GT Goku)
Meteor Attack(s) Dragon Fist ExplosionSuper Ultra Spirit Bomb