Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
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Dragon Flash Fist (龍閃拳) is a special move used by Super Saiyan Goku.


By performing a quarter-circle forward motion and pressing either the light, medium or heavy attack Goku will charge forward and perform an overhand punch. Each input has different properties.

The Input L variant travels about half screen.

The Input M variant increases the distance Goku travels and deals more damage, but has more startup .

The Input H variant has Goku teleporting to the opponent's current position while grounded and anywhere on-screen when used in the air.



Goku (Super Saiyan)'s Special Move List
Special Move(s) Dragon Flash Fist (Super Saiyan Goku)Flurry KickKamehameha
Super Attack(s) Super Kamehameha (Super Saiyan Goku)Warp Kamehameha
Meteor Attack(s) Meteor Smash