Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
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Eraser Blow (イレイザーブロウ) is a Special Move used by Broly (DBS).


Broly throws a green orb diagonally upward. If the orb hits the opponent before it is released, the move becomes a rush attack, where the opponent is sent flying and Broly follows up with a vanishing axe-handle punch. The rush variant causes a sliding knockdown, and is a side-switch. The projectile cannot be super dashed through.



Broly (DBS)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Headbutt
Special Move(s) Raging QuakeEraser BlowGigantic FuryGigantic Heave
Super Attack(s) Gigantic ChargeGigantic ImpactOmega BlasterMeteor Shower
Meteor Attack(s) Gigantic Roar