Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Finishing Driver (リドライブ) is a Special Move used by Android 17.


17 takes a step back and then rushes toward the opponent to perform an open palm strike. Four follow-up attacks can be initiated if the first blow connects, and one attack can only be done once per combo. For both the Input M and Input H versions, holding down Input L, Input M, Input H, or Input S makes 17 perform a feint.

The Input L variant dashes a short distance forward.

The Input M variant dashes nearly fullscreen.

The Input H variant crosses-up the opponent before attacking.



Android 17's Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Sliding Sweep
Special Move(s) Accel DriverFinishing DriverTop GearSecond GearLow GearFake OutReverse GearPower Blitz ChargePower BlitzAcrobatic Assault
Super Attack(s) EndgameBarrier Explosion
Meteor Attack(s) Super Electric Strike