Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Attack Dialogues[]

Super Attack[]

Line Situation
Death Ball
"Die in the vacuum of space! Die!" Generic
"I'll reduce you and this entire planet to dust!"
"This is the end! Die!"
"I can survive in the vacuum of space." vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"I wonder if this work on a God of Destruction..." vs. Beerus

Meteor Attack[]

Line Situation
Nova Strike
"I'll shut you up for good!" Generic
"This is my full power!" vs. Beerus
You must die by my hand!
"I'm the strongest in the universe!" Generic
"You were made to die by my hand!"
"If it weren't for you..." vs. Beerus
Golden Frieza
"I know this sounds cheap, but... just call me Golden Frieza." Generic
"I was right to seek further evolution!"
"I'll go ahead and say...you're going to have a very tough time fighting me."
"I'm unsure whether or not this is enough to harm Lord Beerus, but..." vs. Beerus
"You're about to explain it's your first loss courtesy of the mighty Frieza!" vs. Jiren

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
"I'll get a little serious now." Generic
"That actually hurt!"
"As you wish, here is my full power!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"You nearly killed the great Frieza!"
"A weakling like you could never overcome me!" vs. Krillin
"Cursed Namekian...!" vs. Piccolo

Team Dialogues[]

An asterisk (*) means there's two different lines associated with that character.

Line Situation
Assist Call
"Get over here!" Generic
"Goku!" calling Goku
"Vegeta!" calling Vegeta (*)
"Namekian!" calling Piccolo
"Hey, brat!" calling Gohan (Teen)
"Captain Ginyu!" calling Captain Ginyu (*)
"Super Saiyan!" calling Trunks
"Cell!" calling Cell (*)
"Earthling!" calling Krillin
"Nappa!" calling Nappa (*)
"Lord Beerus!" calling Beerus (*)
"Saiyan!" calling Bardock
"I don't need your help!" calling Android 17
"Brother!" calling Cooler (*)
"Jiren!" calling Jiren (*)
"Broly!" calling Broly (DBS) (*)
"Kefla!" calling Kefla (*)
Z Assist
"Such a chore." Generic
"Allow me to handle this, Lord Beerus!" helping Beerus
"Don't order me around!" helping Android 17
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
"How about this." Generic
"I will aid you!" helping Beerus
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
"Oh dear." Generic
"It seems I am needed." swapping with Beerus
"This is why I detest Saiyans." swapping with Bardock
"I'm aware of the matter!" swapping with Android 17
"I must say... I am not nearly as impressed with you as I was before." swapping with Jiren
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
"I'm more merciful than I appear." Generic
"Are you alright, Lord Beerus?" swapping with Beerus
"You're far more fragile than your bravado would suggest!" swapping with Jiren
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
"It's your turn." Generic
"If you would, Captain Ginyu." swapping with Captain Ginyu
"A request, Lord Beerus." swapping with Beerus
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
"I'll allow you to handle this." Generic
"Please take over here." swapping with Beerus

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
"Fine, I'll just kill you all!" Generic
"Now it's time for me to join in the fun."
"Shall we begin this spectacle of horror? " vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"This time I'll reduce you to dust, just like I did to that Earthling!"
"Observe…" vs. Piccolo
"You seem awfully confident in yourself."
"Please, go easy on me." vs. Beerus
"Stand ready."
"No Saiyan can be allowed to survive!" vs. Goku


Line Situation
"So, shall we begin?" Summoning Shenron
"Grant me my wish!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
"Give me eternal life!" "Make me immortal!"
"Mend my stupid injuries!" "Restore my health!"
"Revive that creature!" "Bring back my ally!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

"Hm hm hm..."
"Ho ho ho... What an unexpected thrill!"
"My power level is 530,000."


Line Situation
"I made you a promise, remember? I said I'd make you wish for death." Generic
"Maybe I'll quit with the warm-up and start fighting seriously..."
"What is that transformation? Saiyans are supposed to turn into giant apes!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"How does it feel to have realized your dreams and become a Super Saiyan?" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"My, my, it has been a while." vs. Piccolo
"Oh? You can become a Super Saiyan as well?" vs. Gohan (Teen)
"Assist me with my training if you would, Captain Ginyu." vs. Captain Ginyu
"This is a surprise... Someone on this backward planet has heard of me. " vs. Trunks
"You know, I've been wanting to meet you myself."
"This is getting ridiculous... Another Super Saiyan?" vs. Gotenks
"Back to die at my hands again, are you? Seems you didn't learn the first time." vs. Krillin
"Here's an idea. How about leaving Vegeta and working directly under me?" vs. Nappa
"The son of Goku... My, you've grown." vs. Gohan (Adult)
"I spent four months training myself." vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"Revenge upon Goku... How many years have I waited for this day?"
"I shall make you regret your oppression to me, Vegeta." vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"I would grant you command of my army if you so desired, Vegeta."
"Me? Fighting against Lord Beerus?" vs. Beerus
"There is no need to interfere, Lord Beerus."
"You look like someone I know... I don't care for that one bit." vs. Goku Black
"You're familiar... Where have I seen you before?" vs. Goku
"Has terror driven you completely mad?" vs. Vegeta
"Is there a problem, Vegeta?"
"So, you're the legendary Super Saiyan." vs. Broly
"Go perish with the rest of your kin." vs. Bardock
"You never learn, do you?"
"Oh, so now you intend to fight me? You're a rather peculiar one." vs. Android 17
"Do you intend to stand in my way, brother? Surely, you know what will happen..." vs. Cooler
"Which of us is stronger, I wonder? I think it's time we settle that matter once and for all!"
"How unfortunate. I was hoping to avoid fighting you as long as possible." vs. Jiren
"It's plain to see what you're hiding behind that tough exterior. You're ashamed of how weak you were, aren't you?"
"Well, well... This is a most unusual change, even for you." vs. Goku (GT)
"Hell is a place I do NOT want to be reminded of, so I'll make this as quick and painful as I can!" vs. Janemba
"I could certainly do with another in my camp as well... but I'll manage." vs. Gogeta (SSGSS)
"You resorted to fusion just to defeat me? My, you must have been rather desperate."
"Broly? You wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds you now, would you?" vs. Broly (DBS)
"Very well. I'm eager to see the full extent of your power."
"How annoying. Yet another Saiyan..." vs. Kefla
"Well now... I may actually have to put forth some effort in this fight." vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"Well now, Goku. It seems you've powered up yet again..."
"Fusion again, is it? My, you two must really like each other." vs. Gogeta (SS4)
"Yet another ridiculous transformation.. Is this also a type of Super Saiyan?"


"Can't you do any better?"


Line Situation
"A half-hearted effort will result in a quick death." Generic
"You're the first person to kick dust on me since my father."
"Alas, to think that it is time for us to part ways..." vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"Goodbye, Vegeta." vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"I merely increased my speed a smidgen and yet you couldn't keep up... Is this really all a Super Saiyan can do?"
"If you want something to blame, blame you own father." vs. Gohan (Teen)
"Training with you has been quite helpful, Captain Ginyu." vs. Captain Ginyu
"Despite all your bluster, you didn't amount to much." vs. Trunks
"Alright... Shall I grant you death once more?" vs. Krillin
"You shall serve me well after this I believe." vs. Nappa
"How unpleasant... You remind me far too much of Goku." vs. Gohan (Adult)
"At long last, I can savor my revenge!" vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"It seems I've gained a slight upper hand when it comes to power."
"It appears my training wasn't a waste of time." vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"What a pity... You would have been a very useful minion to work to the bone."
"Oh my, is something the matter, Lord Beerus?" vs. Beerus
"Allow me to bring destruction in your stead, Lord Beerus."
"If Goku had been more like you, we might have become dear friends." vs. Goku Black
"I must say I am a bit surprised that there is someone stronger than Captain Ginyu here." vs. Goku
"You're the first person to kick dust on me since my father."
"If you wish to join me, simply say so." vs. Vegeta
"Super Saiyan? I'm sure that's nothing but a fairy tale."
"It seems the legend became inflated in the telling." vs. Broly
"If only you Saiyans weren't such obstinate barbarians..." vs. Bardock
"And to think we once fought together... What a shame." vs. Android 17
"Our clan has no use for the weak. Isn't that right, brother?" vs. Cooler
"You must feel embarrassed, to say the least. Your brother has made a complete and utter fool of you."
"It's such a tragedy. I couldn't see fear wash over your face at the very end." vs. Jiren
"Where has that intense stare of yours gone?"
"You may be a child now, but I will show no mercy, ESPECIALLY to you." vs. Goku (GT)
"What a foul creature! Anything from Hell is unfit to live as far as I am concerned!" vs. Janemba
"How convenient! I can finally rid myself of you two Saiyans in one fell swoop! Marvelous!" vs. Gogeta (SSGSS)
"You have done me a great service. Now I won't have to kill you two separately."
"Have you finally cooled that head of yours? You can take that time to reflect on what you've done... in Hell!" vs. Broly (DBS)
"It seems you're far too primitive to control that power of yours. While I hate to waste such strength, you must be eliminated."
"Is this all your fusion afforded you? I expect too much from Saiyans, I suppose." vs. Kefla
"Is this the best your Ultra whatever can do? I fail to see why the gods were so impressed." vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"You can gather all the power you like, Goku, but I will be the one to have the last laugh!"
"Even fusion cannot best me. I am, after all, a far superior life form." vs. Gogeta (SS4)
"Remember this, Saiyans. Like you, I continue to grow more powerful with each passing moment..."


Line Situation
"Curse it allll!" Down
"You miserable insect!" K.O.
"Cursed God of Destruction!" K.O. (vs. Beerus)

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
"I must admit your training has borne fruit. You have my honest compliments." Generic
"Now, start begging for your life! Not that I'll listen...haha!"
"That actually hurt... That actually hurt!!"
"This illustrates a sharp difference in power. Do you find that enlightening?"
"Your efforts are useless... You cannot hope to overcome me!"
"Cursed Super Saiyan! I shall make sufficient use of you, but only for now." Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan)
"You have grown stronger indeed, Vegeta. Even if you still cannot defy me." Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"You have improved your skills a bit. Perhaps you could serve as more than a simple shield." Allied with Piccolo
"Do not think for an instant that this makes up for the crime of destroying me." Allied with Trunks
"Cannon fodder do have their uses, do they not?" Allied with Krillin
"I thought that you were just a sycophant of Vegeta's, but I have revised my opinion." Allied with Nappa
"Oh? You do have a degree of potential. If you weren't Goku's child, I'd recruit you into my army," Allied with Gohan (Adult)
"Even with the power of a god, you can still do little more than assist me." Allied with Goku (SSGSS)
"Your hard work has paid dividends, hasn't it? Now, put that power to good use for me." Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS)
"I must ask what you have to gain from assisting me, Lord Beerus." Allied with Beerus
"You believe you're of any use to me in that form? I cannot help but feel insulted." Allied with Goku
"Ha ha ha... Not bad, Vegeta. Not bad." Allied with Vegeta
"Yes, you did oppose me all by yourself. That tenacity will serve me well." Allied with Bardock
"Hmph. You've placed this much trust in me. I'm honored." Allied with Android 17
"You should know that I have no qualms destroying my own brother should he prove incompetent." Allied with Cooler
"A fine display from Universe 11's mightiest warrior. That power of yours would be best used to serve me... and only me. Allied with Jiren
"What is the meaning of this diminutive form of yours, Goku? I will not stand for this! I do not fight alongside children!" Allied with Goku (GT)
"While I am certainly not above using even hellspawn as my minions, I must admit that I do not feel at ease with this one..." Allied with Janemba
"So you fuse and aid me in battle? I don't trust it... What exactly is it you're scheming?" Allied with Gogeta (SSGSS)
"Marvelous! What incredible power you have! You will be the finest addition the Frieza Force has ever seen, Broly!" Allied with Broly (DBS)
"Kefla, was it? Your power has caught my attention. It's such a shame you're a Saiyan." Allied with Kefla
"Your naivety deeply sickens me, but I suppose I should commend you this time—and only this time—for a job well done." Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"Ugh, I can't stand it. Must you engage in that dreadful dance whenever you fuse? If you must, I would prefer you do it out of my sight next time." Allied with Gogeta (SS4)


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)