Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Gigantic Fury (ギガンティックレイジ) is a Special Move used by Broly (DBS).


Broly grabs the opponent's leg and slams them on the ground five times, alternating sides each time before throwing the opponent forward.

The Input L variant can only grab grounded opponents, but it can grab airborne opponents when used in the middle of a combo.

The Input M variant can only grab opponents that are airborne. Has less startup, but slightly more recovery frames.

The Input H variant grabs the opponent and slams them once on each side, then leaps onto them, punches them twice, and sends them flying with a two-fisted slam. The startup depends on the opponent's positioning, having the Input L variant's startup if the opponent is grounded and the Input M variant's startup if the opponent is airborne.



Broly (DBS)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Headbutt
Special Move(s) Raging QuakeEraser BlowGigantic FuryGigantic Heave
Super Attack(s) Gigantic ChargeGigantic ImpactOmega BlasterMeteor Shower
Meteor Attack(s) Gigantic Roar