Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Gigantic Heave (ギガンティックスロー) is a Special Move used by Broly (DBS).


Broly grabs the opponent by the leg and tosses them up, then grabs their head and slams it down, proceeding to drag the opponent across the ground in the opposite direction. After dragging the opponent, Broly tosses them up diagonally.


This can cancel into a Super Dash, Z Change, or other move depending on positioning. The raw hit can only grab grounded opponent, but does gain the ability to grab airborne opponents while in the middle of a combo. Cannot hit crouching opponents. Functions as a side-switch.


Broly (DBS)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Headbutt
Special Move(s) Raging QuakeEraser BlowGigantic FuryGigantic Heave
Super Attack(s) Gigantic ChargeGigantic ImpactOmega BlasterMeteor Shower
Meteor Attack(s) Gigantic Roar