Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Gigantic Roar (ギガンティックロア) is a Meteor Attack used by Broly (DBS).


Broly transforms into Super Saiyan and charges at the opponent with a punch, upon connection, Broly will transform into his Legendary Super Saiyan form and fire the Gigantic Roar, it is a multi-hitting move.


After successfully connecting the attack, Broly's Frieza Force armor gets destroyed from the increase in muscle size and the damage of all of his attacks is increased by 5% for the remainder of the match, he also gains green electricity sparks around his body


Broly (DBS)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Headbutt
Special Move(s) Raging QuakeEraser BlowGigantic FuryGigantic Heave
Super Attack(s) Gigantic ChargeGigantic ImpactOmega BlasterMeteor Shower
Meteor Attack(s) Gigantic Roar