Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Godly Display (神越演武) is a Special Move used by Goku (Ultra Instinct).


Goku vanishes and moves forward at unfathomable speed. On contact, he appears behind the opponent and attacks them with invisible unseen blows. Connecting with this move crosses up the opponent.

The Input L variant travels half screen.

The Input M variant travels fullscreen. Has higher invincibility frames, but also has more start-up lag.

The Input H variant travels 80% of the screen and the attack portion deals more damage with dealing a wallbounce.


• This move is very similar to Goku's Celestial Whirlwind.

Goku (Ultra Instinct)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Secret SensationShining Soul
Special Move(s) Unrestrained WillGodly DisplayAutonomous FistGodly StrikeTranscendenceEmbodied LightUnencumbered MindKamehamehaRising Heat
Super Attack(s) Accelerating Battle SpiritUnpolished InstinctGuiding Impulse
Meteor Attack(s) Silver Dragon Flash