Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Move List
Combo List

Images sourced from the Dustloop wiki.

Ease of Use
Goku's stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website.

Gameplay Synopsis[]

Goku displays a much more flexible style of martial arts, showing off the fantastic fight choreography of the original Dragon Ball and early parts of Dragon Ball Z. He is a worthy anchor to most teams.

Normal Attacks[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L 400 All
Goku 5L Goku will lean forward into a straight punch.
Input LInput L 700 All
Goku 5LL This is a rising knee strike that will launch the foe slightly off the ground,
Input LInput LInput L 1000 All
Goku 5LLL Goku will stand his ground, firing a shockwave of pressurized air out of each hand. This "Kiai" will hit on both sides, and will cause a wall bounce.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M 700 All
Goku 2M Goku will reach forward into a powerful hook punch.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H 850 All
Goku 5H This roundhouse kick will send foes flying away.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S 300 [1200] All
Goku 5S Goku will fire off a basic energy blast. He can repeat this to fire a volley of up to six.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input L 400 All
Goku 2L This is nothing more than a simple crouching jab.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input M 700 Crouch
Goku 5M Goku will drop down to one hand and thrust a foot forward. This attack hits low.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H 850 All
Goku 2H A standard down heavy attack: just a jumping uppercut that launches the opponent. Invulnerable to air-attacks
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input S 600 All
Goku 2S Goku will flick his hands upwards, sending a set of ki blasts rocketing straight up from the ground. This attack can be aimed by inputting Input 1 (closer) or Input 3 (farther).
Input 2Input SInput S 600 All
Goku 2S Repeating the input will cause a second blast to be fired. This attack can also be aimed by inputting Input 1 or Input 3.
Input 2Input SInput SInput S 1000 Stand
Goku 2SSS After a third input, Goku will teleport above the foe, legs outstretched, and attempt a drop kick. This attack must be blocked standing. This attack is also performable by inputting down and medium while in the air.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input M 850 Stand
Goku 6M A jumping double axe handle punch.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L (in air) 400 Stand
Goku jL A standard jab.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M (in air) 700 Stand
Goku jM A side kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H (in air) 850 Stand
Goku jH A double axe handle.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S (in air) 600 All
Goku jS Fires a ki blast downward to the ground.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H (in air) 850 All
Goku j2H An upward kick.

Special Moves[]

Heavy Elbow (ヘビーエルボー)
Goku Heavy Elbow Lunges forward and strikes with his elbow.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input L (air OK) 900 All
Has quick startup and can be used to end blockstrings safety.
Input 236Input M (air OK) 1000 All
Takes a step back and delivers an elbow strike. Deals more damage and causes a wallbounce on hit. Contains remarkably more startup.
Input 236Input H (air OK) 1200 All
Similar to the Input M variant, but the elbow deals more damage and has less startup. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Back Throw (バックスロー)
DBFZ Goku BackThrow
Goku Back Throw
Moves forward to grab the opponent and throws them behind himself.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input L 700
Stays in place and does the grab.
Input 214Input M 700
Moves a little bit forward before doing the grab. The throw deals more damage, but the grab contains a little bit more startup lag.
Input 214Input H 1400
The grab has him move much further ahead and the throw now has Goku follow-up with a falling dropkick that bounces the opponent into the air. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Kamehameha (かめはめ波)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input S (air OK) 1000 All
Goku Kamehameha Fires a Kamehameha wave directly forward. The beam can be aimed by holding Input 8/Input 2; in which Goku will fire the beam upward on the ground and downward in the air. The beam only hits once and causes a wallbounce if the opponent is near the corner. The beam can still clash with other beams despite hitting only once.
Everyone, lend me your energy! (「オラに元気を分けてくれ!」)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input 2Input S or Input 214Input S
Goku Everyone, lend me your energy! Raises both hands in the sky to gather energy. There are three levels of charge, which can be obtained the longer the Input S button is held. The Input 2Input 2Input S input allows you to charge the spirit bomb without firing it.
Spirit Bomb (元気玉)
Fires the completed Spirit Bomb forward. The projectile will track the opponent and cannot be Super Dashed through.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input S
after gathering energy (Level 1)
1680 All
Goku Spirit Bomb Lifts the opponent a small distance into the air.
Input 214Input S
after gathering energy (Level 2)
2112 All
The Spirit Bomb deals more damage and launches the opponent slightly higher in the air.
Input 214Input S
after gathering energy (Level 3)
2640 All
The Spirit Bomb deals much more damage and carries the opponent much higher into the air. The height and stun time of the opponent allows Goku to easily follow-up with a Super Spirit Bomb.

Z Assists[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Z-Assist A: Energy Shockwave (気合砲)
Input A1/Input A2 Physical
Goku 5LLL Fires a shockwave simultaneously from both hands that launches the opponent away. Causes a wallbounce on hit.
Z-Assist B: Everyone, lend me your energy! (「オラに元気を分けてくれ!」)
Input A1/Input A2
Goku Everyone, lend me your energy! Raises both hands in the sky to gather energy, increasing Spirit Bomb level by one and increasing the Ki gauge by one as well.
Z-Assist C: Kamehameha (かめはめ波)
Input A1/Input A2 1080 All
Goku Kamehameha Fires a Kamehameha wave directly forward. On hit, Goku appears behind the opponent and knocks them down to the ground.

Super Attacks[]

Kaioken (界王拳)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input LInput M or Input HInput S
Goku Kaioken Powers up using the Kaioken technique. The amount of follow-up attacks Goku can perform depends on how many allies he has available on his side. Consumes one Ki gauge.
  • With both allies, Goku can perform three attacks.
  • With one ally, Goku can perform five attacks.
  • With no allies, Goku can perform seven attacks.

Note that even after using all of the follow-ups, Goku can still perform a finishing attack.

Input L 700 All
Goku Kaioken L Dashes forward and does a downward hook. This attack causes a groundbounce on hit. This is automatically the first input his no other buttons are held.
Input 2Input L 700 Stand
Goku Kaioken 2L A jumping somersault followed by a downward axe-handle. This attack can also be inputted with Input LInput L.
Input M 700 All
Goku Kaioken M A jumping somersault that crosses up the opponent and then does a charging knee blow. Does not travel behind the opponent when performed from fullscreen.
Input 2Input M 700 Crouch
Goku Kaioken 2M A crouching side kick that moves Goku a considerable distance forward. Can also be inputted with Input MInput M.
Input H 900
Goku Kaioken H Pauses for a moment and then charges forward to grab the opponent and throws them behind him if successful. Note that this move can only be used as the first hit of the combo. If used afterwards, the combo will simply end.
Input S 800 All
Goku Kaioken S Fires a Kiai forward that goes fullscreen.
Input 2Input S 800 All
Goku Kaioken 2S Fires a Kiai forward aimed upward.
Kaioken Finisher (界王拳フィニッシュ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input LInput M
(during Kaioken)
1300 All
DBFZ Goku KaiokenFinisher1
Goku Kaioken Finisher
Appears in front of the opponent, kicks them into the air and then dives down while doing a double-handed punch. Finishing an opponent off with this move will make Goku hold the opponent on the back with one hand and then throw them to the ground.
3x Kaioken Kamehameha (3倍界王拳かめはめ波)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input HInput S
(during Kaioken /w one ally)
2850 All
Goku 3x Kaioken Kamehamehareal Fires a Kaioken-empowered Kamehameha aimed upwards. Even if the upward kick of Kaioken Finisher is used, Goku can still follow-up with this move. Consumes one Ki gauge.
20x Kaioken Kamehameha (20倍界王拳かめはめ波)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input HInput S
(during Kaioken /w no allies)
4050 All
Goku 20x Kaioken Kamehameha Appears in front of the opponent and fires a Kaioken-empowered Kamehameha directly forward. Much like 3x Kaioken Kamehameha, inputting this move after the kick from Kaioken Finisher will make Goku fire off this move, but this time he tracks the opponent's position in the air. Consumes one Ki gauge.

Meteor Attack[]

Super Spirit Bomb (超元気玉)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input LInput M or Input HInput S
(air OK)
90 [4200] All
Goku Super Spirit Bomb Appears in the sky and launches a massive Spirit Bomb downward. The Spirit Bomb carries the opponent to the ground towards the ending explosion. While the Spirit Bomb is extremely powerful, it moves extremely slow to the ground and will leave Goku completely vulnerable until it detonates. Goku will always fire the Super Spirit Bomb from the side of the screen, but if he's standing near a corner, he will move to the other side of the screen and fire the Super Spirit Bomb there. Consumes three Ki gauge.


Playable Characters' Move List in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)