Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data

Attack Dialogues[]

Super Attack[]

Line Situation
Super Kamehameha
"Get ready... for this!" Generic
"Kamehame... ha...!"
"I'm serious now! Let's see you handle this!" Generic (If teammates down)
"Here's a Super Saiyan 3 Kamehameha!"

Meteor Attacks[]

Line Situation
Dragon Fist Explosion
"Time to end this!" Startup
"Here goes, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta (Startup if teammates down)
"Check this out, Gohan!" vs. Gohan (Startup if teammates down)
"Get ready, Trunks!" vs. Trunks (Startup if teammates down)
"Hope you're ready for this, you guys!" vs. Gotenks (Startup if teammates down)
"This is Super Saiyan 4!" vs. Vegeta / Gohan / Trunks / Gotenks (On hit if teammates down)
"Finished!" On hit
"Dragon Fist Explosion!"
"Dragon... Fist...!" On hit (If teammates down)
"Dragon Fist... Explosion...!"
Super Ultra Spirit Bomb
"Thank you, people of the universe!" Generic
"Here goes!"

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
"Get ready, 'cause here I come!" Generic
"I'm going all out, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta
"Think you can keep up with me?" vs. Piccolo, Gohan, Android 18, Gotenks, Krillin, Majin Buu, Yamcha, Tien

Team Dialogues[]

Line Situation
Assist Call
"Help me out!" Generic
"Vegeta!" calling Vegeta
"Piccolo!" calling Piccolo
"Gohan!" calling Gohan
"Frieza!" calling Frieza
"Ginyu!" calling Captain Ginyu
"Trunks!" calling Trunks
"Cell!" calling Cell
"18!" calling Android 18
"Gotenks!" calling Gotenks
"Krillin!" calling Krillin
"Buu!" calling Kid Buu / Majin Buu
"Nappa!" calling Nappa
"16!" calling Android 16
"Yamcha!" calling Yamcha
"Tien!" calling Tien
"Broly!" calling Broly
"17!" calling Android 17
"Master Roshi!" calling Master Roshi
Z Assist
"I'm in this too!" Generic
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
"You have some too!" Generic
"We're gonna show you our Saiyan power!" helping Saiyans
"Here goes, Piccolo!" helping Piccolo
"Let's do it, Krillin!" helping Krillin
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
"It's my turn now!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
"Leave this to me!" Generic
"You okay, Vegeta?" swapping with Vegeta
"I'll help out, Piccolo!" swapping with Piccolo
"Get back, Gohan!" swapping with Gohan
"Get out of here, Trunks!" swapping with Trunks
"Don't overdo it you guys!" swapping with Gotenks
"Get out of here, Krillin!" swapping with Krillin
"Master Roshi!" swapping with Master Roshi
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
"Let's switch!" Generic
"Help me, Vegeta!" helping Vegeta
"Sorry, Piccolo..." helping Piccolo
"You can do this, Gohan!" swapping with Gohan
"Thanks, Trunks!" swapping with Trunks
"Alright, you kids are up!" swapping with Gotenks
"Sorry, Krillin." swapping with Krillin
"Thanks a bunch, Master Roshi!" swapping with Master Roshi
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
"Phew! Thanks!" Generic

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
"I haven't fought someone this strong in forever!" Generic
"Oh yeah! I'm pumped!"
"Alright! Let's go, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta
"That's the Piccolo I know!" vs. Piccolo
"Don't hold back on me, Gohan!" vs. Gohan
"You're a lot stronger than you were before!" vs. Frieza
"Trunks! You're up against me now!" vs. Trunks
"This time, I'm gonna be the one who takes you down!" vs. Cell
"Alright kids, let me show you how it's done!" vs. Gotenks
"I'm ready whenever you are, Krillin!" vs. Krillin
"Yamcha! We haven't fought in forever!" vs. Yamcha
"Tien...it's me and you now." vs. Tien
"You're finished, Broly!" vs. Broly
"Master Roshi! Show me what you've got!" vs. Master Roshi


Line Situation
"I summon you forth, Shenron!" Summoning Shenron
"Thanks, Shenron!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
"You know, I'm kinda okay being small like this forever." "Make me immortal!"
"Shenron's back sure is warm..." "Restore my health!"
"Can you bring my friends back?" "Bring back my ally!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

"I'm Goku, Son Goku!"
"Just so you know, I am pretty strong."
"Whoa, I'm all small now!"


Line Situation
"C'mon, let's do this! I'm dying to fight you!" Generic
"My body might be smaller now, but I'm still the same Goku!"
"Don't hold back on me just 'cause I look like a kid, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"It's on, Piccolo!" vs. Piccolo
"Your old man may be small now, Gohan, but he's still strong!" vs. Gohan
"You STILL haven't given up your evil ways, huh?" vs. Frieza
"I'm not gonna go easy on you, Trunks!" vs. Trunks
"I'm not forfeiting out match this time!" vs. Cell
"Time to show you kids how we adults do things!" vs. Gotenks
"Hey, Krillin! Let's go a round for old times' sake!" vs. Krillin
"Wait, if you're here, where'd Uub go?" vs. Kid Buu
"I'm dying to find out who's stronger, you or Uub!" vs. Majin Buu
"Yamcha! It's been forever since I fought you!" vs. Yamcha
"Alright, Tien! Show me how hard you've been training!" vs. Tien
"Whoa, Vegeta... You're a lot stronger now!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"You look just like me as an adult!" vs. Goku Black / Bardock
"Hey, Vegeta! That getup really takes me back!" vs. Vegeta
"Broly! I'm a bit stronger than I was before!" vs. Broly
"You're different from how I remember you, 17..." vs. Android 17
"You're Frieza's brother, huh? I bet you're up to no good!" vs. Cooler
"Heh heh heh! You're still just as fun as ever, Master Roshi!" vs. Master Roshi


Line Situation
"Ha ha! All this fighting's making me hungry!" Generic
"You know, you'd be stronger if you trained more!"
"Yep! Nothing beats a good match with you, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta
"Sorry, Piccolo! Looks like I win!" vs. Piccolo
"Gohan were you actually trying your hardest?" vs. Gohan
"Try anything evil again and I'll show YOU no mercy!" vs. Frieza
"You gotta train hard enough to keep up with Vegeta!" vs. Trunks
"I don't plan on losing to you ever again!" vs. Cell
"Heh heh! Yep, you kids still got a lot to learn!" vs. Gotenks
"Thanks a lot, Krillin! That was a real blast!" vs. Krillin
"Thanks for that, Buu! Tell Mr. Satan I said hi!" vs. Majin Buu
"My bad, Yamcha! Are you okay?" vs. Yamcha
"You're a lot better now, Tien! I can't slack off around you!" vs. Tien
"Man, that was close! You're just as crazy strong as ever!" vs. Broly
"You're definitely not a bad guy. I could tell that from our fight." vs. Android 17
"You and Frieza better give it up already!" vs. Cooler
"Thanks, Master Roshi! Let's do that again!" vs. Master Roshi


Line Situation
"I-I can't move my body..." Down
"S-Sorry you guys..." K.O.

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
"Everyone keeps telling me I've changed, but I haven't! I'm still me!" Generic
"I'm gonna train and get stronger, and when I do, I wanna fight you again!"
"If we're gonna go again, could you wait a sec? I wanna get a bite to eat first!"
"My size probably fooled you. You need to pay more attention to people's energy."
"Welp, I guess I better head home. Chi-Chi's probably pretty mad at me..."
"You know, if me and you worked together, I bet we'd be able to take on anyone!" Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"Sorry, Piccolo. I feel like you're always doing me favors." Allied with Piccolo
"Ha ha! This is kind of weird! I'm not used to looking up at you, Gohan!" Allied with Gohan (Teen)
"Wait, if you're helping me out like this, does that mean you're a good guy now?" Allied with Frieza
"Way to go, Trunks! I bet Vegeta's real proud of you!" Allied with Trunks
"Wait, if we're teaming up, does that mean you're collecting more data on me?" Allied with Cell
"Man, you kids are tough for your age! Huh...? What do you mean me too? I'm not a kid!" Allied with Gotenks
"Heh heh! You know what Krillin? You haven't changed a bit!" Allied with Krillin
"Hey Buu! I bet you're pretty hungry too, huh? Let's get Mr. Satan to treat us to a feast!" Allied with Majin Buu
"Not too bad, Yamcha! You've been keeping up with your training, haven't you?" Allied with Yamcha
"You've improved, Tien! Me and you should duke it out sometime!" Allied with Tien
"So, what do you think, Gohan? Your old man's pretty strong for someone so small, huh?" Allied with Gohan (Adult)
"What're you so mad about, Vegeta? What, you don't like me like this?" Allied with Vegeta
"Man, you're really intense, Broly. I know you're on my side, but you still make me uneasy..." Allied with Broly
"Hey, you're actually a pretty good guy. You're not like the 17 I fought before." Allied with Android 17
"Having you around, Master Roshi, really takes me back to when you trained me and Krillin!" Allied with Master Roshi


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)