Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Move List
Frame Data
Combo List

Images sourced from the Dustloop wiki.

Ease of Use
Goku (SSGSS)'s stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website.

Normal Attacks[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L 400 All
SSGSS Goku 5L A straight jab forward.
Input LInput L 700 Crouch
SSGSS Goku 5LL A shin kick that hits low and knocks the opponent up.
Input LInput LInput L 1000 Stand
SSGSS Goku 5LLL A rotating overhead axe-kick that ground-bounces the opponent into the air.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M 700 All
SSGSS Goku 5M A backhand swing punch.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H 850 All
SSGSS Goku 5H A lunging side kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S 300 [1200] All
SSGSS Goku 5S Fires a ki blast forward. Can be repeated up to six times.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input L 400 Crouch
SSGSS Goku 2L A downward jab while crouching.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input M 700 Crouch
SSGSS Goku 2M A crouching side kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H 850 All
SSGSS Goku 2H A leaping uppercut that launches the opponent. Invulnerable to air-attacks.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input M 850 Stand
SSGSS Goku 6M Jumps forward and does a double-axe handle punch.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L (in air) 400 Stand
SSGSS Goku jL A midair jab straight forward.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M (in air) 700 Stand
SSGSS Goku jM A midair side kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H (in air) 850 Stand
SSGSS Goku jH A double-axe handle swing.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S (in air) 600 All
SSGSS Goku jS Fires a midair ki blast aimed downward. Unlike most other midair ki blasts, this move does not stall Goku's midair movement.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H (in air) 850 All
SSGSS Goku j2H A midair upward kick.

Special Moves[]

Divine Void Strike (神空撃)
SSGSS Goku Divine Void Strike Performs a charging elbow strike. The dash repels any incoming projectiles.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input L (air OK) 900 All
Travels nearly half screen.
Input 236Input M (air OK) 1000 All
Travels slightly farther and deals more damage, although the attack does have a slightly longer startup.
Input 236Input H (air OK) 1100 All
Appears behind the opponent and attacks. Deals more damage along with causing a wallbounce on Smash hit. This move does not track the opponent if they're airborne. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Super God Shock Flash (超神閃撃)
DBFZ SSBGoku SuperGodShockFlash1
SSGSS Goku Super God Shock Flash
Performs a two-part attack where he first extends both index and middle fingers outward, and then warps forward and does a gut punch. The first stage is a grab while the second stage is an attack.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input L 500 [1000] All [—]
Stays in place and does the atatck. If the grab whiffs, he does a short ranged punch as follow-up. On hit, both the grab and punch knock the opponent almost a fullscreen away.
Input 214Input M 1000
The attack is solely a grab where Goku teleports a short distance forward. The gut punch causes a wallbounce on Smash hit.
Input 214Input H 500 [1200] All [—]
The attack is a mixture of both the Input L and Input M versions, with Goku warping forward to perform the grab and teleports slightly ahead for the gut punch. Causes a wallbounce on Smash hit. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Dragon Flash Kick (閃光龍神脚)
SSGSS Goku Dragon Flash Kick Performs a downward diagonal dive kick. The attack remains active until Goku lands on the ground.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input L (in air) 900 All
Goku reels slightly back before attacking.
Input 214Input M (in air) 1000 All
The dive kick is slightly stronger and causes sliding knockdown on Smash hit at the cost of having more startup.
Input 214Input H (in air) 1100 All
The kicks has less startup. On hit, Goku follows the opponent down to the ground before doing a quick side-switching 2-hit combo. Has a Smash on the last hit and causes sliding knockdown. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Instant Transmission (瞬間移動)
DBFZ SSBGoku InstantTransmission1
SSGSS Goku Instant Transmission
Teleports, and the attacks with a roundhouse kick. Depending on which way you moved the control stick determines whether Goku will appear in front of or behind the opponent.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input S (air OK) 900 All
Teleports behind the opponent and attacks.
Input 214Input S (air OK) 900 All
Teleports in front of the opponent and attacks. This version has less more startup.

Z Assists[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Z-Assist A: Dragon Flash Kick (閃光龍神脚)
Input A1/Input A2 800 All
SSGSS Goku Dragon Flash Kick Jumps up and does a divekick.
Z-Assist B: Divine Void Strike (神空撃)
Input A1/Input A2 800 All
SSGSS Goku Divine Void Strike Performs a charging elbow strike that travels nearly halfscreen.
Z-Assist C: Instant Transmission (瞬間移動)
Input A1/Input A2 1080 All
SSGSS Goku Instant Transmission Teleports in front of the opponent and attacks with a roundhouse kick. On hit, Goku teleports behind the opponent and knocks them down to the ground.

Super Attack[]

Extreme Speed Kamehameha (神速かめはめ波)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input LInput M or Input HInput S
(air OK)
2050 All
DBFZ SSBGoku ExtremeSpeedKamehameha1
SSGSS Goku Extreme Speed Kamehameha
Jumps or warps depending on the distance from opponent and fires a Kamehameha aimed at a shallow downward angle. Consumes one Ki gauge.

Meteor Attacks[]

x10 Kaioken Kamehameha (10倍界王拳かめはめ波)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input LInput M or Input HInput S 4220 All
DBFZ SSBGoku x10KaiokenKamehameha
SSGSS Goku x10 Kaioken Kamehameha
SSGSS Goku x10 Kaioken Kamehameha 2
Powers up using Kaioken and does a charging punch. Upon connection, Goku proceeds to attack the opponent with a barrage of punches and then kicks the opponent into the air. He then teleports back to the ground and fires a Kaioken-powered up Kamehameha diagonally upward at the opponent. Consumes three Ki gauges.
Evolved Attack (進化を遂げた一撃)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Follow-up icon Any attack button 1710 [5930]
SSGSS Goku Evolved Attack Charges forward and delivers an uppercut straight through the opponent, resulting in an explosion. Consumes two additional Ki gauges.


Playable Characters' Move List in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)