Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Attack Dialogues[]

Super Attack[]

Line Situation
Extreme Speed Kamehameha
"I don't think so!" Generic
"You're finished!
"Zamasu!!" vs. Zamasu (Fused) (startup)
"I gonna extinguish that light of yours" vs. Zamasu (Fused)

Meteor Attack[]

Line Situation
x10 Kaioken Kamehameha
"Kaioken!" Generic
"You're gonna pay... right now!" vs. Goku Black
Evolved Attack
"I'll finish this right now." Startup
"There you are!" Generic
"Full power!" vs. Zamasu (Fused)

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
"You're gonna pay!" Generic
"Here I come, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Now... I'm REALLY mad!" vs. Goku Black
"I ain't gonna lose!" vs. Zamasu (Fused)
"I just want to get stronger... Don't you?" vs. Jiren

Team Dialogues[]

An asterisk (*) detonates that character has two different lines.

Line Situation
Assist Call
"Your turn!" Generic (*)
"Vegeta!" calling Vegeta
"You're up, Vegeta!"
"Piccolo!" calling Piccolo
"Gohan!" calling Gohan
"Frieza!" calling Frieza
"Ginyu!" calling Captain Ginyu
"Trunks!" calling Trunks
"You're up, Trunks!"
"Cell!" calling Cell
"18!" calling Android 18
"Gotenks!" calling Gotenks
"Krillin!" calling Krillin
"Buu!" calling Kid Buu
"Majin Buu!" calling Majin Buu
"Nappa!" calling Nappa
"16!" calling Android 16
"Come on, Yamcha!" calling Yamcha
"I'm counting on you, Tien!" calling Tien
"Tien Shinhan!"
"Hit!" calling Hit
"Lend me your power, Lord Beerus!" calling Beerus
"Lord Beerus, help me out here!"
"Black!" calling Goku Black
"Broly!" calling Broly
"Zamasu!" calling Zamasu (Fused)
"17!" calling Android 17
"17, get in here!"
"Cooler!" calling Cooler
"Hey come on, Jiren!" calling Jiren
"Do it, Kefla!" calling Kefla
"Master Roshi!" calling Master Roshi
"Now, Master Roshi!"
Z Assist
"Alright!" Generic
"Looks like I'm up." helping Hit
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
"Let's settle this!" Generic
"I'll help you out this time." helping Goku Black / Zamasu (Fused)
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
"Now it's my turn!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
"You alright?" Generic
"You okay, Vegeta?" swapping with Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta
"Piccolo! Are you alright?" swapping with Piccolo
"Get out of here, Gohan!" swapping with Gohan
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
"I'll let you take it from here." Generic
"Time to switch out already?" swapping with Vegeta (SSGSS)
"It's your turn, Gohan." swapping with Gohan
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
"Phew! Thanks, you really helped me out there." Generic
"Thanks, Vegeta." swapping with Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta
"Thanks, Piccolo." swapping with Piccolo
"Thank you, Gohan." swapping with Gohan
"Thank you, Yamcha!" swapping with Yamcha
"Thank you, Tien." swapping with Tien
"Sorry, Vegeta... I let my guard down." swapping with Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Thanks a lot, Lord Beerus!" swapping with Beerus
"Hard to believe I'm being helped out by you..." swapping with Goku Black / Zamasu (Fused)
"Thanks, Kefla!" swapping with Kefla
"You're a lifesaver, Master Roshi!" swapping with Master Roshi

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
"I'll show you a neat trick!" Generic
"I'm just getting started!"
"Vegeta! Let's do this!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Let's do this!" vs. Piccolo
"Bring it on, Frieza!" vs. Frieza
"Now it's gonna be a fair fight... Let's go!" vs. Hit
"Come on! Let's do this, Lord Beerus!" vs. Beerus
"Let's do this, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta
"Geez, you don't hold back, do ya?" vs. Broly
"I'm gonna protect the Earth!"
"I won't let you get away with this!" vs. Zamasu (Fused)
"What's wrong?"
"Okay. Think I'm ready for round two, Jiren." vs. Jiren
"Alright! Now I can really have some fun!" vs. Kefla
"It's my turn to fight you now, Master Roshi!" vs. Master Roshi


Line Situation
"I summon you forth, Shenron!" Summoning Shenron
"Thanks for your help, Shenron!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
"Now I can train forever!" "Make me immortal!"
"Shenron, give me a recharge." "Restore my health!"
"I need a revival, now!" "Bring back my ally!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

"I'm really getting pumped here!"
"Let's do this!"
"This is what it looks like to go beyond Super Saiyan God!"


Line Situation
"Let's both do our best!" Generic
"Let's hurry up and get this started!"
"Show me everything you've got, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"It's been a while since we sparred, Piccolo!" vs. Piccolo
"Gohan! Get angry. If you do, there'll be no one in the whole world that can beat you!" vs. Gohan (Teen)
"Let's both go all in! No holding anything back!" vs. Frieza
"Alright, come at me, Trunks!" vs. Trunks
"Trunks, come spar with me for a bit!"
"Cell! I'm gonna fight you to the end this time!" vs. Cell
"Sorry, but I'm not gonna go easy on you!" vs. Krillin
"I'm gonna fight you alone this time, Buu!" vs. Kid Buu
"Yamcha. You really wanna do this, seriously?" vs. Yamcha
"Hey, Tien! Long time no see!" vs. Tien
"Gohan! This'll be the first time we've sparred in a long while." vs. Gohan (Adult)
"Heh heh...well, well, you still have something up your sleeve, don't you Hit?" vs. Hit
"Let's show them we're not just pawns in a game! What do you say?"
"Alright! Super Saiyan God versus Super Saiyan God!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"I'm coming at you, Lord Beerus!" vs. Beerus
"You look like you're ready to go, Lord Beerus!"
"Wow, you really do look just like me!" vs. Goku Black
"Majin Buu. Is that you?" vs. Android 21
"Vegeta, that outfit sure is a blast from the past!" vs. Vegeta
"Whoa, Vegeta! You grew your tail back?"
"Broly?! You're alive!?" vs. Broly
"If I don't so something about that power of his, I won't be able to save the world this time..." vs. Zamasu (Fused)
"So this is the light of a god, huh? Zamasu."
"Heh, Don't pull any punches, 17!" vs. Android 17
"Hey, I know you! What're you doing here?" vs. Cooler
"Who are you?" vs. Bardock
"Alright, I'm going all out on you, Jiren!" vs. Jiren
"Fight me at your full power, Broly! Got it?!" vs. Broly (DBS)
"Hope you're ready! I'm not gonna pull any punches!" vs. Kefla
"Alright! Let's go, Master Roshi!" vs. Master Roshi
"Master Roshi! Let's make this count!"


Line Situation
"Heh heh heh... Let's fight again once you've got some more training under your belt." Generic
"This is a power that's even greater than a Super Saiyan God!"
"I came out on top this time, Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta
"It's always exciting to go head-to-head with you!"
"You're just a strong as ever, Piccolo!" vs. Piccolo
"What's the matter, Gohan? Hang in there! What happened to all that power of yours?" vs. Gohan (Teen)
"Take my advice... Just leave already. I'll fight you again some other time." vs. Frieza
"There's no point in going any further."
"Heh heh, you're not too shabby, Trunks!" vs. Trunks
"Way to go, Trunks. You've come a long way all on your own."
"Did someone bring you back to life?" vs. Cell
"Krillin! Are you all right?" vs. Krillin
"Yamcha. You're not training anymore, right. Don't overdo it!" vs. Yamcha
"That was fun, Tien! Let's do it again sometime!" vs. Tien
"Gohan, have you forgotten the extent of your own power?" vs. Gohan (Adult)
"Looks like you've finally gotten your fighting senses back, Gohan!"
"It's no use. Where I stand now is already far beyond the reaches of your Time Skip." vs. Hit
"Wow, you really are something..."
"Come on, Lord Beerus... You're still not using your full power, are ya?" vs. Beerus
"Quit playing around with me and hit me with all you got!"
"I know you can do better than this." vs. Goku Black
"You're not strong enough... not enough to beat me." vs. Broly
"Look at that, guess I win this time!" vs. Android 17
"Do yourself a favor and go! Leave this planet and go back to where you came from!" vs. Cooler
"I wanna get even stronger! Jiren? I bet you do too, right?" vs. Jiren
"What, tired already? I thought you were gonna go all out!" vs. Broly (DBS)
"Way to go, Kefla! I can't wait to fight you again sometime!" vs. Kefla
"I love seeing you go all out, Master Roshi! You've definitely still got it!" vs. Master Roshi
"You're insane, Master Roshi! Have you been training without me?!"


Line Situation
"You...beat me!" Down
"You're pretty strong." K.O.

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
"Alright, let's go one more round! Right now!" Generic
"Huh? You're finished already? I was just getting started..."
"Sure feels good to fight someone at their best! It's been a long time."
"This is my full power!"
"You're pretty strong! I had to get a little serious there!"
"C'mon, Vegeta. It's not like you to hold back like that." Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"Alright, now that I won, how about we keep going at this, Piccolo?" Allied with Piccolo
"It's crazy that you're teaming up with me... What exactly are you up to?" Allied with Frieza
"There ya go, Gohan! I think you're lookin' pretty good!" Allied with Gohan (Adult)
"You know, instead of fighting on the same side, I'd rather go head-to-head with you. Is that okay?" Allied with Hit
"So, let me get this straight. You won't fuse with me, but you'll still help me out in battle. What's up with that?" Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Thanks for your help, Lord Beerus! We're really grateful. But uh... you know we don't have a feast or anything ready for you, right? Please don't blow us up." Allied with Beerus
"Man this is really weird, teaming up with someone who looks just like me." Allied with Goku Black
"It's great that you're helping me out, eh...but you're not gonna destroy the earth, right?" Allied with Vegeta
"Hey Broly... Why are you fighting on my side?...Oh I got it! Maybe you don't recognize me with my blue hair..." Allied with Broly
"Tell me something. Is it true androids never get tired? Because if that's the case, you should help out with my training sessions, 17! It's only fair." Allied with Android 17
"Man, you sure love blowing up planets, huh? Wait, are you're not a God of Destruction, are you?!" Allied with Cooler
"So, what do you think of my power, Jiren? Oh, c'mon, stop meditating and say something already!" Allied with Jiren
"Teaming up with you is fun and all I guess, but you know, I think I'd rather go head to head against you." Allied with Broly (DBS)
"Not only could you pull off Super Saiyan 3, you probably have what it takes to go beyond that, Kefla!" Allied with Kefla
"Heh heh! How great is this?! I get to fight side by side with you, Master Roshi!" Allied with Master Roshi


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)