Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data

Attack Dialogues[]

Super Attack[]

Line Situation
The Work of a God
"Taste divine fury!" Generic (startup)
"This pain will make me stronger!"
"Take a good look at this!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS) (startup)
"You shall now bear the full brunt of a god's anger..." Generic
"As a reward, allow me to show you something..." vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"I hope you're ready!" after The Work of a God

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
"I will show you the power of a god!" Generic
"Know your place!"
"You are a sinner!" vs. Trunks
"Son Goku, I like you better when you're mad!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku (SSGSS) / Goku (GT) / Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"You're no more than an appetizer!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"By turning my anger into power, I have gained yet another new power!"

Team Dialogues[]

An asterisk (*) detonates that character has two different lines.

Line Situation
Assist Call
"Do it." Generic
"It is unwise to make me wait."
"Goku!" calling Goku (*)
"Vegeta!" calling Vegeta (*)
"Trunks!" calling Trunks (*)
"God of Destruction!" calling Beerus
"God of Destruction Beerus!"
Z Assist
"Then how about this?" Generic
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
"I will bring justice to this universe." Generic
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
"How dare you order me around." Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
"How pathetic." Generic
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
"Come in, now!" Generic
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
"Thank you." Generic

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
"I'll deal with you personally." Generic
"Nothing stands a chance against this unyielding body of mine."
"Show me the power of the warrior people's strongest fighter!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku (GT) / Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"You should know when to quit. You're just a warm-up." vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"You've come a long way, for a mortal."
"I see. So that's your anger." vs. Gohan (Teen)
"I shall choke the life from you momentarily, Saiyan." vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"Let's see how you'll do against me."
"Oh, you still don't understand. Your part in this is long over." vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"You... You're no more than an appetizer! You should know your place!"
"This body is magnificent!" vs. Bardock
"You will face me now." vs. Vegito (SSGSS)


Line Situation
"This...does not appear to be Super Shenron." Summoning Shenron
"Grant me my wish!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
"Now, I too have become immortal." "Make me immortal!"
"Please, heal my wounds!" "Restore my health!"
"Bring back my servants!" "Bring back my ally!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

"For justice!"
"For the Zero Mortal Plan."
"If I were to give it a name that suits your sensibilities, it would be... Rosé. Yes, perfect! Super Saiyan Rosé!"


Line Situation
"My very being towers above all... All things... The whole universe!" Generic
"Well? What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?"
"Greetings, Goku..." vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"Magnificent! So this is the power of a Saiyan!"
"Why hasten the extinction of your race, Namekian?" vs. Piccolo
"That rage won't be enough to satisfy me..." vs. Gohan (Teen)
"The day has finally come where I snuff the life out of you, Saiyan." vs. Trunks
"You? Defeat me? Ha! Try it, foolish Saiyan!"
"Although you lost, you still grasp at straws. That's to be expected of disgusting mortals." vs. Yamcha
"This body desires you... I cannot stop it..." vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"Magnificent. So this is a member of the warrior race clad in the power of a god." vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Another foolish god that continues to allow the worthless mortals to live..." vs. Beerus
"I am rather interested in seeing the full extent of a God of Destruction's power..."
"Compared to my anger, yours is nothing but a childish tantrum!" vs. Broly
"You too want to have a taste of this power, do you not?" vs. Goku
"I see... So this is what becomes of my future self..." vs. Zamasu (Fused)
"I will send you into that great beyond to join your friends..." vs. Bardock
"Become one and fight me, Saiyans..." vs. Vegito (SSGSS)
"Heh heh heh... You would use your god-given body...your god-given energy...as if it were all your own..."
"Son Goku... I can only imagine how you must yearn for this body even more now..." vs. Goku (GT)
"What a laughably feeble form you've taken, Son Goku..."
"Vile hellbeast... You are the manifestation of sin, every misdeed of the gods..." vs. Janemba
"Heh heh heh... Go on, then. I'll let you do your little dance..." vs. Gogeta (SSGSS)
"Tell me... Is this the true form of you savage creatures? How unsightly..." vs. Broly (DBS)
"Impudent mortal. Those earrings are for the gods, not you!" vs. Kefla
"Goku... After all your failures, you still yearn to be like the gods." vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"That power you possess... It is not to be wielded by filthy mortals!"
"Rejoice, for a god has chosen the body of your disciple!" vs. Master Roshi
"I commend your power, but that hideous appearance is too much to bear." vs. Gogeta (SS4)


Line Situation
"The very thought of challenging a god. Pah!" Generic
"This pain will make me stronger!"
"For now you shall achieve the zenith of beauty!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"Of course my eloquence would be lost on the crude ears of mortals."
"On second thought, 'warm-up' is too strong a word." vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"So you Saiyans aren't just a warrior race in name only..."
"Your feeble mortal mind cannot begin to fathom my will...my beauty..." vs. Piccolo
"I once believed converting one's anger into power was only for feeble-minded mortals, but I now see I was wrong to think that." vs. Gohan (Teen)
"So you turned yourself gold... Such gawdy color is a perfect realization of mortals' wanton desires." vs. Frieza
"I did not think you had such power." vs. Trunks
"Not a bad attack... That might actually leave a bruise..."
"What's wrong? Show me this ultimate power you speak of." vs. Cell
"Just looking at such an uncouth mortal is enough to make me ill..." vs. Gotenks
"How many times must you mortals make light of death before you are satisfied?" vs. Krillin
"Ugly, wretched Saiyan..." vs. Nappa
"Are you even human...?" vs. Android 16
"Behold! Am I not the pinnacle of beauty?" vs. Tien
"Death is a mercy to foolish mortals like you." vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"This Saiyan body is the ultimate blessing of the gods! With each hit I take, I become more powerful than before!"
"If anger can be a source of power, then my infinite wrath makes me the strongest being in existence!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Vegeta... You were a satisfying appetizer."
"You can rest easy... There will be no need for a God of Destruction in my new world." vs. Beerus
"Kaioken... What a fascinating technique..." vs. Goku
"How unsightly... You Great Apes are truly nothing but mindless brutes..." vs. Vegeta
"You should be grateful... I will eradicate all mortals, just as you desire." vs. Broly
"I will eliminate all mortals. That, of course, includes all Saiyans." vs. Bardock
"Mortals are incapable of using the tools of the gods..." vs. Vegito (SSGSS)
"No matter what you do, you are all powerless against the wrath of a god!"
"Am I expected to take pity on this form of yours? How fortunate you are for I am a kind... and gracious god..." vs. Goku (GT)
"Heh heh heh... That was a rather entertaining show you put on, Son Goku... Well done."
"There is no place for those born of malice like you in my new world!" vs. Janemba
"You lack even a shred of intelligence, you foul creature." vs. Broly (DBS)
"You are but a savage. The tools of the gods are wasted on lowly vermin like you." vs. Kefla
"Mortals try to rival the gods in power, but they are always doomed to fail." vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"You have given us gods a bad name, and for that you will suffer, Goku."
"Look well, feeble creature. Your disciple's body has been put to good use." vs. Master Roshi
"Look at you... Your form fits your savage nature." vs. Gogeta (SS4)


Line Situation
"Me, lose? Unthinkable!" Down
"It can't be!" K.O.

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
"Knowing that you cannot win, you still persist... How truly foolish you are." Generic
"My very being towers above all... All things... The whole universe!"
"Not a bad attack... That might actually leave a bruise..."
"Time to reach even grander heights!"
"You have foolishly defied a god... And in doing so, you have sealed your fate for eternity."
"What my body desires is not your assistance, but your life." Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan)
"I did not think you would fight by my side... Where has your beloved Saiyan pride gone?" Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"You embody the very essence of mortals and their transgressions. Do you not think I will let you go unpunished just because you fought alongside me." Allied with Trunks
"You too want to have a taste of this power, do you not?" Allied with Goku (SSGSS)
"No need to rush. You're just the appetizer. I'll take my time and enjoy you." Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS)
"God of Destruction Beerus... what is that you intend to do here?" Allied with Beerus
"I see. So I will eventually attain your power... Heh heh heh, I'm looking forward to that." Allied with Zamasu (Fused)
"Do not think that just because you have fought alongside me that I have forgiven you for your sins." Allied with Vegito (SSGSS)
"Son Goku, you shall remain as you are now. There is no place in my world for those who dare to imitate the gods." Allied with Goku (GT)
"I see... even for Supreme Kais the effect of this fusion is a temporary one. How unfortunate that the dance is beyond hideous, not to mention embarrassing." Allied with Gogeta (SSGSS)
"You Saiyans continue to try time and time again but your efforts are for naught. You display nothing but savagery..." Allied with Broly (DBS)
"You wish to learn about my Rosé form? Such beauty is beyond the comprehension of a simple savage like you." Allied with Kefla
"If your body and mine are the same, then it is only a matter of time before I achieve such power." Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"I too once had a Master, but he was a damned fool... For your sake, I hope you do not share his shortcomings." Allied with Master Roshi
"Super Saiyan 4... How primitive. I have no interest in transforming into something so unsightly." Allied with Gogeta (SS4)


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)