- This article is about Gohan (Adult)'s appearance as an assist character under alias "Great Saiyaman". To check out the character that's playable, click here (adult life) and here (teen life).
“Eliminator of every evil... Ally of Justice... I am the Great Saiyaman!” |
Great Saiyaman (グレートサイヤマン, Gurēto Saiyaman) is the superhero persona of Gohan who appears in Dragon Ball FighterZ as an assist character for Videl.
Wanting to fight crime without exposing his true identity, Gohan asks Bulma to create a costume that will conceal his face to the public. Bulma agrees to the request and gives Gohan a watch that with a push of a button, makes him don a helmet, a cape, and green gi with a black bodysuit underneath, dubbing himself as the Great Saiyaman. While the costume originally consist of a helmet, Gohan eliminates this from his wardrobe and replaces it with a white bandanna and sunglasses in order to participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament due to the rules forbidding any use of armor.
In Dragon Ball FighterZ[]
In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Great Saiyaman appears as an assist character for Videl. Most of Great Saiyaman's attacks involve rushing into the screen and attacking the opponent head-on with a variety of attacks.
Great Saiyaman also appears in one of Videl's Super Attack, Defender of Love and Justice, Great Saiyaman! If the opponent attacks Videl while she's posing, Saiyaman appears from above the opponent and knocks them down with a punch. For the first time the attack connects, Great Saiyaman will give a speech while performing a series of poses. After the speech, Saiyaman will get a boost on damage for any of this attacks throughout the whole match.
Finally, Great Saiyaman appears in two of Videl's Meteor Attacks, Justice Rush and Justice Revenge. Justice Rush consists of him and Videl performing a combination attack on the opponent and Justice Revenge is a getup attack where Saiyaman turns Super Saiyan and fires a Kamehameha at the opponent while Videl recovers.
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- Prior to Videl's inclusion to the game as DLC, Great Saiyaman with his bandanna was available as a lobby avatar, which can be purchased from the shop with Zeni.
- If Videl is purchased via DLC, eight additional costumes will be added to the shop for his bandanna avatar along with twelve new costumes will be added for his helmet avatar.
- Much like Videl, Great Saiyaman has two different costumes that depends on which costume Videl is currently using. For her short hair costumes, Great Saiyaman sports his bandanna and sunglasses, while for her long hair costumes, he will wear his helmet.
- Using Justice Revenge while using Videl's short hair costume will cause Saiyamnan to lose his bandanna for the remainder of the match. This also applies to his appearance on Videl's victory screen.
- It is explained in the game's storyline where Krillin realizes how Gohan became Great Saiyaman in his early adult-life, the latter secretly took notes/inspirations of Ginyu Force's infamous posing when he was a kid.
Non-Playable Characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ |
Android 17 • Android 21 (Evil) • Bulma • Burter • Caulifla • Cheelai • Chiaotzu • Elder Kai • Goten • Great Saiyaman • Guldo • Jeice • Kale • Recoome • Saibamen • Sorbet • Supreme Kai • Trunks (Kid) • Whis • Zamasu |