Attack Dialogues[]
Super Attacks[]
Line | Situation |
Ultra Cannonball | |
She says to him or her, "Hope you're ready! 'Cause you're gonna evade this!" | Generic |
She says, "No more evades. This ends right now!" | |
Gigantic Ray | |
She says to him or her, "Alright! This is where you evade this!" | Generic |
She says to him or her, "Alright! Your sorry back is toast!" | |
Gigantic Chaser | |
She says, "I'm going full tilt!" | Generic |
She says, "Right here!" |
Meteor Attack[]
Line | Situation |
Gigantic Burst | |
She says to him or her, "Let's see what you evade!" | Generic (startup) |
She says to him or her, "You're goin' straight to danger!" | |
She says, "It's over! I WIN!" | Generic |
She says to him or her, "You can't handle my awesome power!" |
Match Dialogues[]
Line | Situation |
She says, "Here comes the pain!" | Generic |
She says, "This is all my power!" | |
She says to him, "Bring it on, Goku!" | vs. Goku |
She says to him, "I've got your 'pride' right here!" | vs. Vegeta |
She says to him or her, "Universe 6 is gonna mess you up!" | vs. Piccolo / Frieza / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi |
She says to him, "Here comes the pain! Hope you're ready!" | vs. Gohan (Teen) / Trunks / Gotenks / Gohan (Adult) |
She says to him, "You're fighting the powerful female Saiyan, buddy!" | vs. Nappa / Broly / Bardock |
She says to him, "'Hit' me with your best shot!" | vs. Hit |
She says to him, "I'm going way past the Kings!" | vs. Beerus |
She says, "Over my fused body!" | vs. Zamasu (Fused) / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
She says to him, "Get ready, Jiren!" | vs. Jiren |
She says to him, "I'm gonna push ALL your body!" | vs. Broly (DBS) |
Team Dialogues[]
An asterisk (*) detonates that character has two different lines.
Line | Situation |
Assist Call | |
She says, "Go! Go!" | Generic |
She says to him or her, "Your turn!" | |
She says to him, "Goku!" | calling Goku (*) |
She says to him, "Vegeta!" | calling Vegeta (*) |
She says to him, "Piccolo!" | calling Piccolo (*) |
She says to him, "Frieza!" | calling Frieza (*) |
She says to her, "18!" | calling Android 18 (*) |
She says to him, "Gohan!" | calling Gohan (Adult) (*) |
She says to him, "Hit!" | calling Hit (*) |
Shs says to him, "Beerus!" | calling Beerus (*) |
She says to him, "17!" | calling Android 17 (*) |
She says to him, "Jiren!" | calling Jiren (*) |
She says to him, "Aged man!" | calling Master Roshi (*) |
Z Assist | |
She says, "It's on now!" | Generic |
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack) | |
She says to him or her, "Let's give em' a good lesson!" | Generic |
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%) | |
She says, "I've been waitin' for this!" | Generic |
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%) | |
She says to him or her, "Good damn, you really suck at this, huh?" | Generic |
She says, "Talk about a letdown!" | swapping with Goku |
She says to him, "Go hide somewhere, Vegeta!" | swapping with Vegeta |
She says to him, "Outta the way, Frieza!" | swapping with Frieza |
She says to him, "I got this, Hit!" | swapping with Hit |
She says to him, "Get outta there, Jiren!" | swapping with Jiren |
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%) | |
She says to him or her, "Don't you dare lose!" | Generic |
She says to him, "Get in there, Goku!" | swapping with Goku |
She says to him, "I'm tagging out, Vegeta!" | swapping with Vegeta |
She says to him, "You're up, Frieza!" | swapping with Frieza |
She says to him, "You handle this, Hit!" | swapping with Hit |
She says to him, "Get em', Jiren!" | swapping with Jiren |
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%) | |
She says, "Good Damn, this sucks!" | Generic |
Match Reset[]
Line | Situation |
She says, "Finally, it's my turn to have some fun!" | Generic |
She says to him or her, "Ready to bust some heads!" | |
She says to him, "I'm gonna wipe the floor with you this time!" | vs. Goku |
She says to him, "I'm gonna make you beg for mercy, Frieza!" | vs. Frieza |
She says to him, "I'm your target now, Hit!" | vs. Hit |
She says to him, "I'm gonna have fun with you!" | vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
She says to him, "You're no joke, Jiren!" | vs. Jiren |
She says to him, "That was awesome! You're something else!" | vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
Line | Situation |
She says, "The thing's this?! It's huge!" | Summoning Shenron |
She says, "Badass! I'm lovin' this!" | "Give me the ultimate power!" |
She says to him, "Immortality?! Now you're talkin'!" | "Make me immortal!" |
She says, "Energy, energy, and more energy!" | "Restore my health!" |
She says to him, "Puttin' 'em in fightin' shape!" | "Bring back my allies!" |
Miscellaneous Dialogues[]
Character Selection[]
Quote |
She says, "Ain't nobody that can stop me!" |
She says to him or her, "I'm gonna fight you with everything I've got!" |
She says, "This power is insane... I'm lovin' it!" |
Line | Situation |
She says, "'Kale'... plus 'Caulifla'... makes 'Kefla'." | |
She says to them, "I'll take ALL you suckers on!" | Generic |
She says to him or her, "You gonna go cryin' to your mama?!" | |
She says to him, "You're goin' down, Goku!" | vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku |
She says to him, "I ain't as weak as your little buddy Cabba!" | vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
She says, "I'm not gonna let some Universe 7's clowns beat me!" | vs. Piccolo / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi |
She says to him, "Super Saiyan 2, huh? Okay, you got my attention!" | vs. Gohan (Teen) |
She says to him, "Hurry up and become all in a 'Golden' or whatever!" | vs. Frieza |
She says, "I'm up against a Super Saiyan, huh? My fists are ready!" | vs. Trunks |
She says, "Super Saiyan 3... That form looks wild!" | vs. Gotenks |
She says to him, "Come on! You really don't wanna go Super Saiyan?" | vs. Nappa / Vegeta |
She says to him, "Uh, whaddya call that kind of transformation?" | vs. Gohan (Adult) |
She says to him, "Time to throw down, Hit!" | vs. Hit |
She says to him, "THERE it is! I've been waitin' for the 'Blue'!" | vs. Goku (SSGSS) |
She says to him, "After I pound you, I'm gonna become a female Super Saiyan in blue too!" | vs. Vegeta (SSGSS) |
She says to him, "Come at me, King! I'm gonna school you on destruction!" | vs. Beerus |
She says to him, "You're Goku? I've never seen his hair THAT color... Nah, you're not him." | vs. Goku Black |
She says, "Ah, good damn! This guy's power's givin' me chills!" | vs. Broly |
She says to the two of them, "This oughta be good! Time to throw down you two and find out which fusion's tougher!" | vs. Zamasu (Fused) / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
She says to him, "You're a Saiyan? Good Damn, you look EXACTLY like Goku!" | vs. Bardock |
She says to him, "It's on now, Jiren!" | vs. Jiren |
She says to him, "What the thing is this?! Is this some sorta new form or somethin', Goku?" | vs. Goku (GT) |
She says to him, "From what I'm seein', you ain't gonna be easy to take down..." | vs. Broly (DBS) |
She says, "That's, uh, 'Ultra whatcha-ma'-call-it', right?" | vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
Line | Situation |
Caulifla, she says: "Put me 'n' Kale together, and whaddya get?!" Kale, she says: "The strongest female Saiyans around!" |
Generic |
Caulifla, she says: "That ain't everything! We got plenty more where that came from!" Kale, she says: "As long as we're together, Caulifla, I'll keep getting stronger with you!" | |
Caulifla, she says to him: "How do ya like THAT, Goku?! Me and Kale win this one!" Kale, she says to her: "Yeah, we beat him, Caulifla!" |
vs. Goku |
Caulifla, she says to him: "Check it out! You're lookin' at the toughest female Saiyans around!" Kale, she says to her: "Well said, Caulifla!" |
vs. Vegeta |
Caulifla, she says: "We from the Universe 6 puts all you clowns to shame! Ain't that right, Kale?" Kale, she says to her: "Right, Caulifla!" |
vs. Piccolo / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi |
Caulifla, she says to him: "You may be a Saiyan too, but I'm made of much tougher stuff!" Kale, she says to her: "I wish I was as tough as you, Caulifla..." |
vs. Gohan (Teen) / Trunks / Gotenks / Gohan (Adult) |
Caulifla, she says to him: "That's what you get when you mess with a female Saiyan!" Kale, she says: "Yeah, this is what me and Caulifla can do!" |
vs. Frieza |
Caulifla, she says to him: "What, that it? Good Damn, you from the Universe 7 Saiyans suck big time!" Kale, she says to him: "Yeah, you could learn a lot from Caulifla!" |
vs. Nappa / Broly / Bardock |
Caulifla, she says: "Well, guess this means WE'RE Universe 6's strongest female warriors!" Kale, she says: "With Caulifla on my team, I can't lose at her sides!" |
vs. Hit |
Caulifla, she says: "What the thing is this?! I thought Kings of Destruction were tougher than THIS!" Kale, she says to her and to herself: "You and me, we're so female strong, Caulifla!" |
vs. Beerus |
Caulifla, she says: "This ain't just because we fused! We won because me and Kale are just that good!" Kale, she says: "Yeah! Nothing beats our teamwork together!" |
vs. Zamasu (Fused) / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
Caulifla, she says to him: "So much for Universe 11's poster child! You ain't got nothin' on us!" Kale, she says: "When me and Caulifla fuse, no one can take us down!" |
vs. Jiren |
Caulifla, she says to him: "You were really somethin'! Sucks for you that you were up against us, though!" Kale, she says: "Me and Caulifla, we are the strongest female Saiyans around!" |
vs. Broly (DBS) |
Caulifla, she says to him: "Doesn't matter how much you keep powerin' up, buddy, we're gonna blow you outta the water!" Kale, she says: "There isn't a limit to what me and Caulifla can do!" |
vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
Line | Situation |
She says to him or her, "You gotta be kiddin' me!" | Down |
She says, "Nooooooo!" | K.O. |
Results Screen[]
Line | Situation |
She says to him or her, "Go ahead, keep powerin' up! Ha, doesn't matter! I'm gonna blow way past ya!" | Generic |
She says to him or her, "Hey, what gives?! You gotta be more pumped than that!" | |
She says to him or her, "I wanted to fight some more, but a survival competition is a death-until fight, I guess. Gotta deal with it." | |
She says, "Kinda hard to control myself when I'm swimmin' in this much power!" | |
She says, "The power just keeps comin' and comin'! Good Damn, it feels good to be a female Saiyan!" | |
She says to him, "I gotta say, Goku, teamin' up with you's been a real blast!" | She's Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan) |
She says to him, "Save your boring-back teacher lines for someone who actually gives a crap, like Cabba!" | She's Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
She says, "You Universe 7's guys ain't half bad, y'know? I mean, we from the Universe 6 has ya beat, but still!" or she says, "You Universe 7's gal and guy ain't half bad, y'know? I mean, we from the Universe 6 has ya beat, but still!" | She's Allied with Piccolo / Frieza / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi |
She says to the two of them, "Alright, short stuff! Spill you two the beans! How do you go Super Saiyan 3?!" | She's Allied with Gotenks |
She says to him, "You're pretty tough! You didn't even go Super Saiyan! You gotta teach me how you did that!" | She's Allied with Gohan (Adult) |
She says to him, "I could beat this clown in my sleep! Alright, Hit, you can go home now. I got this." | She's Allied with Hit |
She says to him, "Hey, Goku! Don't you wanna see me become a female Super Saiyan in blue?" | She's Allied with Goku (SSGSS) |
She says to him, "Aw, c'mon! You can become a 'Blue' too?! Good Damn it! I'm gonna do that too, just you wait!" | She's Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS) |
She says to him, "Heh heh! Looks like I'm good on my own! Hey, King of Destruction! Feel free to take a catnap if you want!" | She's Allied with Beerus |
She says to him, "Super Saiyan... Rosé? That different than the blue one? Whatever. Just teach me how to turn into it!" | She's Allied with Goku Black |
She says to him, "What happened to goin' Super Saiyan, Goku? Don't tell me you're too weak to transform!" | She's Allied with Goku |
She says, "This guy's really full of himself, huh? Good thing Cabba has to deal with him and not me!" | She's Allied with Vegeta |
She says, "This Saiyan's seriously no joke. He does know he's on OUR side, right?" | She's Allied with Broly |
She says, "So this guy used the Potara too, huh? Is that why he won't shut the mouth up with ? Jeez!" | She's Allied with him who is Zamasu (Fused) |
She says to him, "So you're not Goku, but you look like him. Gotcha. You're tough. I like you." | She's Allied with Bardock |
She says to the two of them, "Whoa, you guys used the Potara too?! That's some sweet power you got. But I got more!" | She's Allied with Vegito (SSGSS) |
She says to him, "Why don't you take a seat? As long as I'm here, Universe 11's strongest one ain't needed." | She's Allied with Jiren |
She says to the two of them, "Wait, fusion without the Potara? You Universe 7 guys think of everything, don't ya?" | She's Allied with Gogeta (SSGSS) |
She says, "This guy's name is 'Broly', right? He's crazy strong... Universe 7 sure is full of insane Saiyans!" | She's Allied with Broly (DBS) |
She says to him, "Good Damn, Goku, you just gotta keep one-uppin' everyone, huh? Well, don't get too comfy at the top—I'm comin' for ya!" | She's Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
She says to him, "More fusion?! Wait a sec', what the thing form is THAT?! You tellin' me you been hidin' that the whole time?!" | She's Allied with Gogeta (SS4) |
Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ | |||||
Base Roster | Goku (Super Saiyan) • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) • Piccolo • Gohan (Teen) • Frieza • Captain Ginyu • Trunks • Cell • Android 18 • Gotenks • Krillin • Kid Buu • Majin Buu • Nappa • Android 16 • Yamcha • Tien • Gohan (Adult) • Hit • Goku (SSGSS) • Vegeta (SSGSS) • Beerus • Goku Black • Android 21 | ||||
DLC | Season 1 | Goku • Vegeta • Broly • Zamasu (Fused) • Bardock • Vegito (SSGSS) • Android 17 • Cooler | |||
Season 2 | Jiren • Videl • Goku (GT) • Janemba • Gogeta (SSGSS) • Broly (DBS) | ||||
Season 3 | Kefla • Goku (Ultra Instinct) • Master Roshi • Super Baby 2 • Gogeta (SS4) | ||||
Other | Android 21 (Lab Coat) |