Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Attack Dialogues[]

Super Attacks[]

Line Situation
Ultra Cannonball
She says to him or her, "Hope you're ready! 'Cause you're gonna evade this!" Generic
She says, "No more evades. This ends right now!"
Gigantic Ray
She says to him or her, "Alright! This is where you evade this!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Alright! Your sorry back is toast!"
Gigantic Chaser
She says, "I'm going full tilt!" Generic
She says, "Right here!"

Meteor Attack[]

Line Situation
Gigantic Burst
She says to him or her, "Let's see what you evade!" Generic (startup)
She says to him or her, "You're goin' straight to danger!"
She says, "It's over! I WIN!" Generic
She says to him or her, "You can't handle my awesome power!"

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
She says, "Here comes the pain!" Generic
She says, "This is all my power!"
She says to him, "Bring it on, Goku!" vs. Goku
She says to him, "I've got your 'pride' right here!" vs. Vegeta
She says to him or her, "Universe 6 is gonna mess you up!" vs. Piccolo / Frieza / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi
She says to him, "Here comes the pain! Hope you're ready!" vs. Gohan (Teen) / Trunks / Gotenks / Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "You're fighting the powerful female Saiyan, buddy!" vs. Nappa / Broly / Bardock
She says to him, "'Hit' me with your best shot!" vs. Hit
She says to him, "I'm going way past the Kings!" vs. Beerus
She says, "Over my fused body!" vs. Zamasu (Fused) / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
She says to him, "Get ready, Jiren!" vs. Jiren
She says to him, "I'm gonna push ALL your body!" vs. Broly (DBS)

Team Dialogues[]

An asterisk (*) detonates that character has two different lines.

Line Situation
Assist Call
She says, "Go! Go!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Your turn!"
She says to him, "Goku!" calling Goku (*)
She says to him, "Vegeta!" calling Vegeta (*)
She says to him, "Piccolo!" calling Piccolo (*)
She says to him, "Frieza!" calling Frieza (*)
She says to her, "18!" calling Android 18 (*)
She says to him, "Gohan!" calling Gohan (Adult) (*)
She says to him, "Hit!" calling Hit (*)
Shs says to him, "Beerus!" calling Beerus (*)
She says to him, "17!" calling Android 17 (*)
She says to him, "Jiren!" calling Jiren (*)
She says to him, "Aged man!" calling Master Roshi (*)
Z Assist
She says, "It's on now!" Generic
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
She says to him or her, "Let's give em' a good lesson!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
She says, "I've been waitin' for this!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
She says to him or her, "Good damn, you really suck at this, huh?" Generic
She says, "Talk about a letdown!" swapping with Goku
She says to him, "Go hide somewhere, Vegeta!" swapping with Vegeta
She says to him, "Outta the way, Frieza!" swapping with Frieza
She says to him, "I got this, Hit!" swapping with Hit
She says to him, "Get outta there, Jiren!" swapping with Jiren
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
She says to him or her, "Don't you dare lose!" Generic
She says to him, "Get in there, Goku!" swapping with Goku
She says to him, "I'm tagging out, Vegeta!" swapping with Vegeta
She says to him, "You're up, Frieza!" swapping with Frieza
She says to him, "You handle this, Hit!" swapping with Hit
She says to him, "Get em', Jiren!" swapping with Jiren
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
She says, "Good Damn, this sucks!" Generic

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
She says, "Finally, it's my turn to have some fun!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Ready to bust some heads!"
She says to him, "I'm gonna wipe the floor with you this time!" vs. Goku
She says to him, "I'm gonna make you beg for mercy, Frieza!" vs. Frieza
She says to him, "I'm your target now, Hit!" vs. Hit
She says to him, "I'm gonna have fun with you!" vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
She says to him, "You're no joke, Jiren!" vs. Jiren
She says to him, "That was awesome! You're something else!" vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)


Line Situation
She says, "The thing's this?! It's huge!" Summoning Shenron
She says, "Badass! I'm lovin' this!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
She says to him, "Immortality?! Now you're talkin'!" "Make me immortal!"
She says, "Energy, energy, and more energy!" "Restore my health!"
She says to him, "Puttin' 'em in fightin' shape!" "Bring back my allies!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

She says, "Ain't nobody that can stop me!"
She says to him or her, "I'm gonna fight you with everything I've got!"
She says, "This power is insane... I'm lovin' it!"


Line Situation
She says, "'Kale'... plus 'Caulifla'... makes 'Kefla'."
She says to them, "I'll take ALL you suckers on!" Generic
She says to him or her, "You gonna go cryin' to your mama?!"
She says to him, "You're goin' down, Goku!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku
She says to him, "I ain't as weak as your little buddy Cabba!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
She says, "I'm not gonna let some Universe 7's clowns beat me!" vs. Piccolo / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi
She says to him, "Super Saiyan 2, huh? Okay, you got my attention!" vs. Gohan (Teen)
She says to him, "Hurry up and become all in a 'Golden' or whatever!" vs. Frieza
She says, "I'm up against a Super Saiyan, huh? My fists are ready!" vs. Trunks
She says, "Super Saiyan 3... That form looks wild!" vs. Gotenks
She says to him, "Come on! You really don't wanna go Super Saiyan?" vs. Nappa / Vegeta
She says to him, "Uh, whaddya call that kind of transformation?" vs. Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "Time to throw down, Hit!" vs. Hit
She says to him, "THERE it is! I've been waitin' for the 'Blue'!" vs. Goku (SSGSS)
She says to him, "After I pound you, I'm gonna become a female Super Saiyan in blue too!" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
She says to him, "Come at me, King! I'm gonna school you on destruction!" vs. Beerus
She says to him, "You're Goku? I've never seen his hair THAT color... Nah, you're not him." vs. Goku Black
She says, "Ah, good damn! This guy's power's givin' me chills!" vs. Broly
She says to the two of them, "This oughta be good! Time to throw down you two and find out which fusion's tougher!" vs. Zamasu (Fused) / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
She says to him, "You're a Saiyan? Good Damn, you look EXACTLY like Goku!" vs. Bardock
She says to him, "It's on now, Jiren!" vs. Jiren
She says to him, "What the thing is this?! Is this some sorta new form or somethin', Goku?" vs. Goku (GT)
She says to him, "From what I'm seein', you ain't gonna be easy to take down..." vs. Broly (DBS)
She says, "That's, uh, 'Ultra whatcha-ma'-call-it', right?" vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)


Line Situation
Caulifla, she says: "Put me 'n' Kale together, and whaddya get?!"
Kale, she says: "The strongest female Saiyans around!"
Caulifla, she says: "That ain't everything! We got plenty more where that came from!"
Kale, she says: "As long as we're together, Caulifla, I'll keep getting stronger with you!"
Caulifla, she says to him: "How do ya like THAT, Goku?! Me and Kale win this one!"
Kale, she says to her:
"Yeah, we beat him, Caulifla!"
vs. Goku
Caulifla, she says to him: "Check it out! You're lookin' at the toughest female Saiyans around!"
Kale, she says to her:
"Well said, Caulifla!"
vs. Vegeta
Caulifla, she says: "We from the Universe 6 puts all you clowns to shame! Ain't that right, Kale?"
Kale, she says to her:
"Right, Caulifla!"
vs. Piccolo / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi
Caulifla, she says to him: "You may be a Saiyan too, but I'm made of much tougher stuff!"
Kale, she says to her:
"I wish I was as tough as you, Caulifla..."
vs. Gohan (Teen) / Trunks / Gotenks / Gohan (Adult)
Caulifla, she says to him: "That's what you get when you mess with a female Saiyan!"
Kale, she says: "Yeah, this is what me and Caulifla can do!"
vs. Frieza
Caulifla, she says to him: "What, that it? Good Damn, you from the Universe 7 Saiyans suck big time!"
Kale, she says to him:
"Yeah, you could learn a lot from Caulifla!"
vs. Nappa / Broly / Bardock
Caulifla, she says: "Well, guess this means WE'RE Universe 6's strongest female warriors!"
Kale, she says:
"With Caulifla on my team, I can't lose at her sides!"
vs. Hit
Caulifla, she says: "What the thing is this?! I thought Kings of Destruction were tougher than THIS!"
Kale, she says to her and to herself:
"You and me, we're so female strong, Caulifla!"
vs. Beerus
Caulifla, she says: "This ain't just because we fused! We won because me and Kale are just that good!"
Kale, she says:
"Yeah! Nothing beats our teamwork together!"
vs. Zamasu (Fused) / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
Caulifla, she says to him: "So much for Universe 11's poster child! You ain't got nothin' on us!"
Kale, she says:
"When me and Caulifla fuse, no one can take us down!"
vs. Jiren
Caulifla, she says to him: "You were really somethin'! Sucks for you that you were up against us, though!"
Kale, she says:
"Me and Caulifla, we are the strongest female Saiyans around!"
vs. Broly (DBS)
Caulifla, she says to him: "Doesn't matter how much you keep powerin' up, buddy, we're gonna blow you outta the water!"
Kale, she says:
"There isn't a limit to what me and Caulifla can do!"
vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)


Line Situation
She says to him or her, "You gotta be kiddin' me!" Down
She says, "Nooooooo!" K.O.

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
She says to him or her, "Go ahead, keep powerin' up! Ha, doesn't matter! I'm gonna blow way past ya!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Hey, what gives?! You gotta be more pumped than that!"
She says to him or her, "I wanted to fight some more, but a survival competition is a death-until fight, I guess. Gotta deal with it."
She says, "Kinda hard to control myself when I'm swimmin' in this much power!"
She says, "The power just keeps comin' and comin'! Good Damn, it feels good to be a female Saiyan!"
She says to him, "I gotta say, Goku, teamin' up with you's been a real blast!" She's Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan)
She says to him, "Save your boring-back teacher lines for someone who actually gives a crap, like Cabba!" She's Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
She says, "You Universe 7's guys ain't half bad, y'know? I mean, we from the Universe 6 has ya beat, but still!" or she says, "You Universe 7's gal and guy ain't half bad, y'know? I mean, we from the Universe 6 has ya beat, but still!" She's Allied with Piccolo / Frieza / Android 18 / Krillin / Tien / Android 17 / Master Roshi
She says to the two of them, "Alright, short stuff! Spill you two the beans! How do you go Super Saiyan 3?!" She's Allied with Gotenks
She says to him, "You're pretty tough! You didn't even go Super Saiyan! You gotta teach me how you did that!" She's Allied with Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "I could beat this clown in my sleep! Alright, Hit, you can go home now. I got this." She's Allied with Hit
She says to him, "Hey, Goku! Don't you wanna see me become a female Super Saiyan in blue?" She's Allied with Goku (SSGSS)
She says to him, "Aw, c'mon! You can become a 'Blue' too?! Good Damn it! I'm gonna do that too, just you wait!" She's Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS)
She says to him, "Heh heh! Looks like I'm good on my own! Hey, King of Destruction! Feel free to take a catnap if you want!" She's Allied with Beerus
She says to him, "Super Saiyan... Rosé? That different than the blue one? Whatever. Just teach me how to turn into it!" She's Allied with Goku Black
She says to him, "What happened to goin' Super Saiyan, Goku? Don't tell me you're too weak to transform!" She's Allied with Goku
She says, "This guy's really full of himself, huh? Good thing Cabba has to deal with him and not me!" She's Allied with Vegeta
She says, "This Saiyan's seriously no joke. He does know he's on OUR side, right?" She's Allied with Broly
She says, "So this guy used the Potara too, huh? Is that why he won't shut the mouth up with ? Jeez!" She's Allied with him who is Zamasu (Fused)
She says to him, "So you're not Goku, but you look like him. Gotcha. You're tough. I like you." She's Allied with Bardock
She says to the two of them, "Whoa, you guys used the Potara too?! That's some sweet power you got. But I got more!" She's Allied with Vegito (SSGSS)
She says to him, "Why don't you take a seat? As long as I'm here, Universe 11's strongest one ain't needed." She's Allied with Jiren
She says to the two of them, "Wait, fusion without the Potara? You Universe 7 guys think of everything, don't ya?" She's Allied with Gogeta (SSGSS)
She says, "This guy's name is 'Broly', right? He's crazy strong... Universe 7 sure is full of insane Saiyans!" She's Allied with Broly (DBS)
She says to him, "Good Damn, Goku, you just gotta keep one-uppin' everyone, huh? Well, don't get too comfy at the top—I'm comin' for ya!" She's Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct)
She says to him, "More fusion?! Wait a sec', what the thing form is THAT?! You tellin' me you been hidin' that the whole time?!" She's Allied with Gogeta (SS4)


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)