Attack Dialogue[]
Super Attacks[]
Line | Situation |
Destructo-Disc | |
"Destructo-Disc!" | Generic |
Chain Destructo-Disc Barrage | |
"Destructo-Disc Barrage!" | Generic |
Meteor Attack[]
Line | Situation |
Scattering Energy Wave | |
"Time to show you what I mastered!" | Generic |
Match Dialogues[]
Line | Situation |
"Enough!" | Generic |
"No more fooling around!" | |
"Gokuuuu!" | vs. Frieza |
"I'm not dying today!" | |
"18, here I come!" | vs. Android 18 |
"I'm just getting started!" |
Team Dialogues[]
Line | Situation |
Assist Call | |
"Need a hand!" | Generic |
"Okay, now!" | |
"Goku!" | calling Goku (*) |
"Vegeta!" | calling Vegeta |
"Vegeta, you're up!" | calling Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta (SSGSS) |
"Piccolo!" | calling Piccolo (*) |
"Gohan!" | calling Gohan |
"Now, Gohan!" | |
"Frieza!" | calling Frieza |
"Ginyu!" | calling Captain Ginyu |
"Trunks!" | calling Trunks |
"Cell!" | calling Cell |
"18!" | calling Android 18 |
"Come on, 18!" | |
"Gotenks!" | calling Gotenks |
"Buu!" | calling Kid Buu / Majin Buu |
"Nappa!" | calling Nappa |
"16!" | calling Android 16 |
"Hey, Yamcha!" | calling Yamcha |
"Yamcha!" | |
"Tien!" | calling Tien |
"Tien, buddy!" | |
"Beerus!" | calling Beerus |
"Broly!" | calling Broly |
"17!" | calling Android 17 |
"Jiren!" | calling Jiren |
"Kefla!" | calling Kefla |
"Master Roshi!" | calling Master Roshi |
Z Assist | |
"You okay?" | Generic |
"I've got this one, Goku!" | helping Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku (SSGSS) / Goku |
"Hang in there, Gohan!" | helping Gohan |
"Trunks, are you okay?" | helping Trunks |
"Gonna be alright?" | helping Yamcha / Master Roshi |
"Here to help!" | helping Tien |
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack) | |
"Give it all you've got!" | Generic |
"Let's do it, Piccolo!" | helping Piccolo |
"Here we go, Gohan!" | helping Gohan (Adult) |
"We got this one, 18!" | helping Android 18 |
"Yamcha, let's go for it!" | helping Yamcha |
"Tien, together now!" | helping Tien |
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%) | |
"Let's do this!" | Generic |
"Gohan!" | swapping with Gohan |
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%) | |
"Get out while you can!" | Generic |
"You okay, Goku?" | swapping with Goku |
"Hide your energy, Gohan." | swapping with Gohan (Teen) |
"Gonna make it, Trunks?" | swapping with Trunks |
"I'll save you, 18!" | swapping with Android 18 |
"Yamcha, take it easy okay?" | swapping with Yamcha |
"Tien, take a breather!" | swapping with Tien |
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%) | |
"Let's trade!" | Generic |
"Goku, don't keep me waiting!" | swapping with Goku |
"You've got this!" | swapping with Android 18 |
"Let's switch places." | swapping with Yamcha / Master Roshi |
"Help your brother out, 17!" | swapping with Android 17 |
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%) | |
"Thanks for the help!" | Generic |
"Glad you're here, Goku." | swapping with Goku |
"I owe ya, 18." | swapping with Android 18 |
"Thanks a bunch!" | swapping with Master Roshi |
Match Reset[]
Line | Situation |
"Oh boy. Looks like I'm up." | Generic |
"Okay, I'm up!" | |
"Time for a bit of sparring, Trunks!" | vs. Trunks |
"Wait a second... Are you after 18 again?!" | vs. Cell |
"Gotta stay in shape!" | vs. Android 18 |
"What are you doing here, 18?" |
Line | Situation |
"I summon you, Shenron!" | Summoning Shenron |
"Grant me my wish!" | "Give me the ultimate power!" |
"Hmm, I've died a few times already." | "Make me immortal!" |
"Heal my body!" | "Restore my health!" |
"Bring back my friends!" | "Bring back my ally!" |
Miscellaneous Dialogues[]
Character Selection[]
Quote |
"Alright, no holding back then!" |
"Okay, I'll give it a shot! Leave it to me!" |
"Uh, I guess I can go." |
Line | Situation |
"I can't let Marron see this." | Generic |
"I thought this was already decided..." | |
"Super Saiyan? Hey, that's not fair!" | vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) |
"I'm not sure I'll be able to walk after a fight with Vegeta!" | vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
"Vegeta, huh? Try not to kill me, please." | |
"Piccolo, it's been a while since we sparred." | vs. Piccolo |
"This isn't quite like practice..." | vs. Gohan (Teen) |
"I can't be killed by the same person twice...I hope." | vs. Frieza |
"It's the guy who stole Goku's body back on Namek." | vs. Captain Ginyu |
"It's been a while, Trunks." | vs. Trunks |
"No way! Cell?!" | vs. Cell |
"Can't let everyone else have the fun, can I?" | vs. Android 18 |
"Majin Buu?! You gotta be kidding me..." | vs. Kid Buu |
"Yamcha? Try not to overdo it, okay?" | vs. Yamcha |
"I can barely remember the last time we fought." | vs. Tien |
"Whoa... You seem to be in your prime." | vs. Gohan (Adult) |
"Guess I'll have to give it my all too!" | vs. Goku (SSGSS) |
"Vegeta, you're not gonna...murder me, are you?" | vs. Vegeta (SSGSS) |
"I'm not sure I can put up much of a fight, but..." | vs. Beerus |
"Uhh, I'm not sure I'be able to entertain you, Lord Beerus." | |
"Goku? Wait, you're not him..." | vs. Goku Black |
"Another Majin Buu?!" | vs. Android 21 |
"Going Super Saiyan is against the rules, Goku." | vs. Goku |
"There's something about that look I don't like." | vs. Vegeta |
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why do you need to power up that much against me?!" | vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
"H-Hey there, 17! H-How's the island doing?" | vs. Android 17 |
"I-I remember you! You're Frieza's brother!" | vs. Cooler |
"J-Jiren, huh? I'm in trouble now..." | vs. Jiren |
"Mr. Satan's daughter, huh? Wow, she looks nothing like her old man." | vs. Videl |
"Goku, you'd better not embarrass me!" | vs. Goku (GT) |
"What's going on? You're a little kid again, Goku!" | |
"Kefla, huh? Guess I'll do what I can!" | vs. Kefla |
"I-Is that Ultra Instinct?! Are you serious right now, Goku?!" | vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
"Time for another training session, Master Roshi!" | vs. Master Roshi |
Line | Situation |
"Heh heh! I still got it!" | Generic |
"Hey. I'm pretty good too!" | |
"I've still got some use left in me, right?" | vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) |
"This reminds me of when we trained under Master Roshi!" | |
"Phew! Still in one piece!" | vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
"Whoa, Vegeta! Take it easy! I almost died just now!" | |
"Oh yeah, didn't one of your brothers kill me once?" | vs. Piccolo |
"That was something. You're really tough." | vs. Gohan (Teen) |
"I've got a family now! I won't die on them!" | vs. Frieza |
"The tables have turned. I win!" | |
"I guess he found his old body again, somehow." | vs. Captain Ginyu |
"The idea of you walking around as me just creeps me out!" | |
"Trunks, You just keep getting stronger!" | vs. Trunks |
"You're not absorbing anyone ever again!" | vs. Cell |
"Let me handle this. You go and watch Marron!" | vs. Android 18 |
"You really pack a wallop, 18!" | |
"Don't go charging in and die on us anymore, Yamcha!" | vs. Yamcha |
"Heh heh! Looks like I win this round!" | vs. Tien |
"That strong without even going Super Saiyan..." | vs. Gohan (Adult) |
"Uhh... Looks like we're both getting rusty! Is it time to start our training over again?" | |
"I-I'm still breathing! Lucky me!" | vs. Beerus |
"I won't let you do evil wearing Goku's face!" | vs. Goku Black |
"You're an android, aren't you? Do you know 18?" | vs. Android 21 |
"I'm still good enough to be your brother-in-law, right?" | vs. Android 17 |
"I've gotten stronger too, you know! I'm not letting you hurt any of my friends!" | vs. Cooler |
"I wouldn't have been able to pull this win off... if it weren't for my friends." | vs. Jiren |
"Way to go, Videl! You're a lot stronger than your goofball of a dad!" | vs. Videl |
"Ha ha! Seeing you like this really takes me back!" | vs. Goku (GT) |
"I miss the days when you and me were the same height..." | |
"I wasn't really expecting to win, but it looks like my game plan worked!" | vs. Kefla |
"I'm putting my life at risk just being your training partner, Goku..." | vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
"This is all thanks to your training, Master Roshi!" | vs. Master Roshi |
Line | Situation |
"U-Uncle!" | Down |
Results Screen[]
Line | Situation |
"Heh heh, I'm getting pretty good." | Generic |
"I always make sure to keep training." | |
"I may not look like it, but I've seen a lot, so you'd better not underestimate me." | |
"I was trained by Master Roshi himself. I'm no pushover." | |
"That was a close shave. I need to pay more attention." | |
"See? I helped out with that one, Goku. Heh heh." | Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan) |
"I can always trust you to watch my back. Thanks, Piccolo." | Allied with Piccolo |
"You're pure evil, but your power is dependable at least." | Allied with Frieza |
"I'm happy to win and all, but you guys aren't really my style." | Allied with Captain Ginyu |
"I'm not sure how I feel about you helping me." | Allied with Cell |
"How can I keep the city safe when I can't even keep my wife safe?!" | Allied with Android 18 |
"This is why you don't wanna mess with the Earth!" | Allied with Nappa |
"Good work, Yamcha! Let's keep it up!" | Allied with Yamcha |
"You're really improved, Tien. Diligent training pays off." | Allied with Tien |
"Heh, remember when we were training together? You were about my size back then." | Allied with Goku |
"That outfit takes me back, but I like ya better now, Vegeta." | Allied with Vegeta |
"That's Goku and Vegeta fused, huh? Wow. Really makes you think. Hard to believe those two used to be archenemies..." | Allied with Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
"So, uh, I hear you're all by yourself on the island. You should stop by my place sometime and—Oh you're good? O-Oh, okay..." | Allied with Android 17 |
"That's Frieza's older brother, right? Why is he helping me out?" | Allied with Cooler |
"People calling you the strongest warrior of Universe 11 makes a lot of sense. Thanks a bunch for helping us out!" | Allied with Jiren |
"Not too shabby for Mr. Satan's daugther! I can't believe Gohan's still dressed like that, though." | Allied with Videl |
"Hey, this reminds me of our days training with Maste Roshi, Goku. Do you remember that stone he wrote on it, and made us look for it?" | Allied with Goku (GT) |
"She's a Saiyan from Universe 6, huh? Never did I ever think I'd be fighting alongside a Saiyan like her!" | Allied with Kefla |
"Goku, you just keep getting stronger and stronger. Well, I'm gonna get stronger too! Just you watch!" | Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
"I'm impressed. Your movements are even cleaner than ever before, Master Roshi! Well, I guess I need to make sure I can still keep up with you!" | Allied with Master Roshi |
Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ | |||||
Base Roster | Goku (Super Saiyan) • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) • Piccolo • Gohan (Teen) • Frieza • Captain Ginyu • Trunks • Cell • Android 18 • Gotenks • Krillin • Kid Buu • Majin Buu • Nappa • Android 16 • Yamcha • Tien • Gohan (Adult) • Hit • Goku (SSGSS) • Vegeta (SSGSS) • Beerus • Goku Black • Android 21 | ||||
DLC | Season 1 | Goku • Vegeta • Broly • Zamasu (Fused) • Bardock • Vegito (SSGSS) • Android 17 • Cooler | |||
Season 2 | Jiren • Videl • Goku (GT) • Janemba • Gogeta (SSGSS) • Broly (DBS) | ||||
Season 3 | Kefla • Goku (Ultra Instinct) • Master Roshi • Super Baby 2 • Gogeta (SS4) | ||||
Other | Android 21 (Lab Coat) |