Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Attack Dialogue[]

Super Attacks[]

Line Situation
"Destructo-Disc!" Generic
Chain Destructo-Disc Barrage
"Destructo-Disc Barrage!" Generic

Meteor Attack[]

Line Situation
Scattering Energy Wave
"Time to show you what I mastered!" Generic

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
"Enough!" Generic
"No more fooling around!"
"Gokuuuu!"  vs. Frieza
"I'm not dying today!"
"18, here I come!" vs. Android 18
"I'm just getting started!"

Team Dialogues[]

Line Situation
Assist Call
"Need a hand!" Generic
"Okay, now!"
"Goku!" calling Goku (*)
"Vegeta!" calling Vegeta
"Vegeta, you're up!" calling Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Piccolo!" calling Piccolo (*)
"Gohan!" calling Gohan
"Now, Gohan!"
"Frieza!" calling Frieza
"Ginyu!" calling Captain Ginyu
"Trunks!" calling Trunks
"Cell!" calling Cell
"18!" calling Android 18
"Come on, 18!"
"Gotenks!" calling Gotenks
"Buu!" calling Kid Buu / Majin Buu
"Nappa!" calling Nappa
"16!" calling Android 16
"Hey, Yamcha!" calling Yamcha
"Tien!" calling Tien
"Tien, buddy!"
"Beerus!" calling Beerus
"Broly!" calling Broly
"17!" calling Android 17
"Jiren!" calling Jiren
"Kefla!" calling Kefla
"Master Roshi!" calling Master Roshi
Z Assist
"You okay?" Generic
"I've got this one, Goku!" helping Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku (SSGSS) / Goku
"Hang in there, Gohan!" helping Gohan
"Trunks, are you okay?" helping Trunks
"Gonna be alright?" helping Yamcha / Master Roshi
"Here to help!" helping Tien
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
"Give it all you've got!" Generic
"Let's do it, Piccolo!" helping Piccolo
"Here we go, Gohan!" helping Gohan (Adult)
"We got this one, 18!" helping Android 18
"Yamcha, let's go for it!" helping Yamcha
"Tien, together now!" helping Tien
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
"Let's do this!" Generic
"Gohan!" swapping with Gohan
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
"Get out while you can!" Generic
"You okay, Goku?" swapping with Goku
"Hide your energy, Gohan." swapping with Gohan (Teen)
"Gonna make it, Trunks?" swapping with Trunks
"I'll save you, 18!" swapping with Android 18
"Yamcha, take it easy okay?" swapping with Yamcha
"Tien, take a breather!" swapping with Tien
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
"Let's trade!" Generic
"Goku, don't keep me waiting!" swapping with Goku
"You've got this!" swapping with Android 18
"Let's switch places." swapping with Yamcha / Master Roshi
"Help your brother out, 17!" swapping with Android 17
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
"Thanks for the help!" Generic
"Glad you're here, Goku." swapping with Goku
"I owe ya, 18." swapping with Android 18
"Thanks a bunch!" swapping with Master Roshi

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
"Oh boy. Looks like I'm up." Generic
"Okay, I'm up!"
"Time for a bit of sparring, Trunks!" vs. Trunks
"Wait a second... Are you after 18 again?!" vs. Cell
"Gotta stay in shape!" vs. Android 18
"What are you doing here, 18?"


Line Situation
"I summon you, Shenron!" Summoning Shenron
"Grant me my wish!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
"Hmm, I've died a few times already." "Make me immortal!"
"Heal my body!" "Restore my health!"
"Bring back my friends!" "Bring back my ally!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

"Alright, no holding back then!"
"Okay, I'll give it a shot! Leave it to me!"
"Uh, I guess I can go."


Line Situation
"I can't let Marron see this." Generic
"I thought this was already decided..."
"Super Saiyan? Hey, that's not fair!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"I'm not sure I'll be able to walk after a fight with Vegeta!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"Vegeta, huh? Try not to kill me, please."
"Piccolo, it's been a while since we sparred." vs. Piccolo
"This isn't quite like practice..." vs. Gohan (Teen)
"I can't be killed by the same person twice...I hope." vs. Frieza
"It's the guy who stole Goku's body back on Namek." vs. Captain Ginyu
"It's been a while, Trunks." vs. Trunks
"No way! Cell?!" vs. Cell
"Can't let everyone else have the fun, can I?" vs. Android 18
"Majin Buu?! You gotta be kidding me..." vs. Kid Buu
"Yamcha? Try not to overdo it, okay?" vs. Yamcha
"I can barely remember the last time we fought." vs. Tien
"Whoa... You seem to be in your prime." vs. Gohan (Adult)
"Guess I'll have to give it my all too!" vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"Vegeta, you're not gonna...murder me, are you?" vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"I'm not sure I can put up much of a fight, but..." vs. Beerus
"Uhh, I'm not sure I'be able to entertain you, Lord Beerus."
"Goku? Wait, you're not him..." vs. Goku Black
"Another Majin Buu?!" vs. Android 21
"Going Super Saiyan is against the rules, Goku." vs. Goku
"There's something about that look I don't like." vs. Vegeta
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why do you need to power up that much against me?!" vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
"H-Hey there, 17! H-How's the island doing?" vs. Android 17
"I-I remember you! You're Frieza's brother!" vs. Cooler
"J-Jiren, huh? I'm in trouble now..." vs. Jiren
"Mr. Satan's daughter, huh? Wow, she looks nothing like her old man." vs. Videl
"Goku, you'd better not embarrass me!" vs. Goku (GT)
"What's going on? You're a little kid again, Goku!"
"Kefla, huh? Guess I'll do what I can!" vs. Kefla
"I-Is that Ultra Instinct?! Are you serious right now, Goku?!" vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"Time for another training session, Master Roshi!" vs. Master Roshi


Line Situation
"Heh heh! I still got it!" Generic
"Hey. I'm pretty good too!"
"I've still got some use left in me, right?" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan)
"This reminds me of when we trained under Master Roshi!"
"Phew! Still in one piece!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"Whoa, Vegeta! Take it easy! I almost died just now!"
"Oh yeah, didn't one of your brothers kill me once?" vs. Piccolo
"That was something. You're really tough." vs. Gohan (Teen)
"I've got a family now! I won't die on them!" vs. Frieza
"The tables have turned. I win!"
"I guess he found his old body again, somehow." vs. Captain Ginyu
"The idea of you walking around as me just creeps me out!"
"Trunks, You just keep getting stronger!" vs. Trunks
"You're not absorbing anyone ever again!" vs. Cell
"Let me handle this. You go and watch Marron!" vs. Android 18
"You really pack a wallop, 18!"
"Don't go charging in and die on us anymore, Yamcha!" vs. Yamcha
"Heh heh! Looks like I win this round!" vs. Tien
"That strong without even going Super Saiyan..." vs. Gohan (Adult)
"Uhh... Looks like we're both getting rusty! Is it time to start our training over again?"
"I-I'm still breathing! Lucky me!" vs. Beerus
"I won't let you do evil wearing Goku's face!" vs. Goku Black
"You're an android, aren't you? Do you know 18?" vs. Android 21
"I'm still good enough to be your brother-in-law, right?" vs. Android 17
"I've gotten stronger too, you know! I'm not letting you hurt any of my friends!" vs. Cooler
"I wouldn't have been able to pull this win off... if it weren't for my friends." vs. Jiren
"Way to go, Videl! You're a lot stronger than your goofball of a dad!" vs. Videl
"Ha ha! Seeing you like this really takes me back!" vs. Goku (GT)
"I miss the days when you and me were the same height..."
"I wasn't really expecting to win, but it looks like my game plan worked!" vs. Kefla
"I'm putting my life at risk just being your training partner, Goku..." vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"This is all thanks to your training, Master Roshi!" vs. Master Roshi


Line Situation
"U-Uncle!" Down

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
"Heh heh, I'm getting pretty good." Generic
"I always make sure to keep training."
"I may not look like it, but I've seen a lot, so you'd better not underestimate me."
"I was trained by Master Roshi himself. I'm no pushover."
"That was a close shave. I need to pay more attention."
"See? I helped out with that one, Goku. Heh heh." Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan)
"I can always trust you to watch my back. Thanks, Piccolo." Allied with Piccolo
"You're pure evil, but your power is dependable at least." Allied with Frieza
"I'm happy to win and all, but you guys aren't really my style." Allied with Captain Ginyu
"I'm not sure how I feel about you helping me." Allied with Cell
"How can I keep the city safe when I can't even keep my wife safe?!" Allied with Android 18
"This is why you don't wanna mess with the Earth!" Allied with Nappa
"Good work, Yamcha! Let's keep it up!" Allied with Yamcha
"You're really improved, Tien. Diligent training pays off." Allied with Tien
"Heh, remember when we were training together? You were about my size back then." Allied with Goku
"That outfit takes me back, but I like ya better now, Vegeta." Allied with Vegeta
"That's Goku and Vegeta fused, huh? Wow. Really makes you think. Hard to believe those two used to be archenemies..." Allied with Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
"So, uh, I hear you're all by yourself on the island. You should stop by my place sometime and—Oh you're good? O-Oh, okay..." Allied with Android 17
"That's Frieza's older brother, right? Why is he helping me out?" Allied with Cooler
"People calling you the strongest warrior of Universe 11 makes a lot of sense. Thanks a bunch for helping us out!" Allied with Jiren
"Not too shabby for Mr. Satan's daugther! I can't believe Gohan's still dressed like that, though." Allied with Videl
"Hey, this reminds me of our days training with Maste Roshi, Goku. Do you remember that stone he wrote on it, and made us look for it?" Allied with Goku (GT)
"She's a Saiyan from Universe 6, huh? Never did I ever think I'd be fighting alongside a Saiyan like her!" Allied with Kefla
"Goku, you just keep getting stronger and stronger. Well, I'm gonna get stronger too! Just you watch!" Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"I'm impressed. Your movements are even cleaner than ever before, Master Roshi! Well, I guess I need to make sure I can still keep up with you!" Allied with Master Roshi


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)