Attack Dialogues[]
Super Attacks[]
Match Dialogues[]
Sparking Blast[]
Line | Situation |
"I'm tougher than I look!" | Generic |
Team Dialogues[]
An asterisk (*) detonates that there's two different lines associated in that situation.
Line | Situation |
Assist Call | |
"Come on out!" | Generic |
"Now!" | |
"Goku!" | Calling Goku (*) |
"Vegeta!" | calling Vegeta (*) |
"Piccolo!" | calling Piccolo (*) |
"Gohan!" | calling Gohan (*) |
"Frieza!" | calling Frieza (*) |
"Trunks!" | calling Trunks (*) |
"Cell!" | calling Cell (*) |
"18!" | calling Android 18 (*) |
"Gotenks!" | calling Gotenks (*) |
"Krillin!" | calling Krillin (*) |
"Buu!" | calling Kid Buu / Majin Buu (*) |
"Yamcha." | calling Yamcha |
"*sigh* Yamcha..." | |
"Tien!" | calling Tien |
"Tien Shinhan!" | |
"Hit!" | calling Hit (*) |
"Beerus!" | calling Beerus |
"You can take over now!" | |
"Vegito!" | calling Vegito (SSGSS) (*) |
"17!" | calling Android 17 (*) |
"Jiren!" | calling Jiren (*) |
"Videl!" | calling Videl (*) |
"Kefla!" | calling Kefla (*) |
"Gogeta!" | calling Gogeta (*) |
Z Assist | |
"I guess I could school you!" | Generic |
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack) | |
"Don't let up!" | Generic |
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%) | |
"I guess it's my turn!" | Generic |
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%) | |
"I'll do what I can!" | Generic |
"You don't need to die for your master." | swapping with Goku |
"I'm not going to let you lose!" | swapping with Vegeta |
"You seem like you're having trouble." | swapping with Piccolo / Gohan / Frieza / Trunks / Gotenks / Majin Buu / Vegito (SSGSS)/ Android 17 / Gogeta |
"Here. Let a gentleman help you." | swapping with Females |
"There's no shame in needing help." | swapping with Krillin / Yamcha / Tien |
"Allow me to help!" | swapping with Beerus |
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%) | |
"Now! Time to switch!" | Generic |
"Don't let me down, Goku!" | swapping with Goku |
"You're up, Vegeta!" | swapping with Vegeta |
"I'm counting on you, Piccolo!" | swapping with Piccolo |
"Go for it, Gohan!" | swapping with Gohan |
"Go! Frieza!" | swapping with Frieza |
"You're up, Trunks!" | swapping with Trunks |
"Time to switch, 18!" | swapping with Android 18 |
"Gotenks! Go!" | swapping with Gotenks |
"Make me proud, Krillin!" | swapping with Krillin |
"Buu! it's your turn!" | swapping with Majin Buu |
"Show me you can do this, Yamcha." | swapping with Yamcha |
"Prove yourself, Tien!" | swapping with Tien |
"Help an old man out, Lord Beerus!" | swapping with Beerus |
"Time to switch, 17!" | swapping with Android 17 |
"You can do this, Videl!" | swapping with Videl |
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%) | |
"You're too kind!" | Generic |
"I've been waiting for you, Goku!" | swapping with Goku |
"Vegeta, thanks for helping me out." | swapping with Vegeta |
"Yeah! rough 'em up for me." | swapping with Krillin / Yamcha / Tien |
"Many thanks." | swapping with Beerus |
Match Reset[]
Line | Situation |
"Okay, here I come!" | Generic |
"We have to stop them!" | |
"Here we go, Goku!" | vs. Goku |
"I'm your next challenge, Vegeta!" | vs. Vegeta |
"I'm ready when you are, Piccolo!" | vs. Piccolo |
"Prepare yourself, Gohan!" | vs. Gohan |
"Frieza, huh?" | vs. Frieza |
"I'm here to test you, Trunks!" | vs. Trunks |
"I'm not losing to someone a fraction of my age!" | vs. Gotenks |
"Come on! Time to see how much you've improved!" | vs. Krillin / Yamcha / Tien |
"Buu, you're fighting me now!" | vs. Majin Buu |
"I'm ready, Lord Beerus!" | vs. Beerus |
"You seem like quite the challenge!" | vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
"Let's put you to the test, young man!" | vs. Android 17 |
Line | Situation |
"I summon you, Shenron!" | Summoning Shenron |
"Don't let me down!" | "Give me the ultimate power!" |
"I want to live an even longer life!" | "Make me immortal!" |
"Hey! Restore my health!" | "Restore my health!" |
"Bring them back to life!" | "Bring back my ally!" |
Line | Situation |
"Well? Pretty cool for an old man, huh?" | Pre-Interaction |
"Care to trade blows with an old man like me?" | Generic |
"Alright. I'm ready whenever you are." | |
"Now, then. I want to see all you've got, Goku!" | vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku |
"I may be an old man, but I can still kick your butt, Vegeta." | vs. Vegeta |
"Hee hee... You're not scary enough to be called a demon king anymore!" | vs. Piccolo |
"Well, Gohan, what do you say this old man trains you a bit, hm?" | vs. Gohan (Teen) |
"We may have joined forces once before, but I still need to watch my back around you..." | vs. Frieza |
"You seem to have potential. If only you weren't evil..." | vs. Captain Ginyu / Nappa |
"Trunks, my boy. Show this geezer what you can do!" | vs. Trunks |
"Would you look at that! You two are just full of energy!" | vs. Gotenks |
"It's time to put you to the test, Krillin!" | vs. Krillin |
"Looks like this Majin Buu is completely free of the evil within him." | vs. Majin Buu |
"Oh, Yamcha. You're not keeping up with your training, are you?" | vs. Yamcha |
"Tien, my boy. You appear to have grown into a respectable martial artist." | vs. Tien |
"Gohan, my boy. I certainly hope you've continued to polish your techniques." | vs. Gohan (Adult) |
"I don't think much of those who kill for a living..." | vs. Hit |
"I remember when you were just a little boy with a tail. You've grown so much..." | vs. Goku (SSGSS) |
"I hope you'll show this old man some restraint, Lord Beerus." | vs. Beerus |
"In all these years, never did I think a day would come where I'd contend with a God of Destruction!" | |
"How dare you misuse the body of one of my students?!" | vs. Goku Black / Zamasu (Fused) |
"I'm more than willing to wrestle a lady warrior!" | vs. Android 21 |
"What's this? You don't seem to be Goku, but you look a lot like him." | vs. Bardock |
"Now then, Broccoli. Can you handle ol' Roshi?" | vs. Broly |
"Fusion, huh? It certainly looks impressive, but I won't know for sure until I fight you!" | vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
"Okay, 17! Show me what an android can do!" | vs. Android 17 |
"Oh my. I've really got my work cut out for me now..." | vs. Jiren |
"Videl... You look like a capable martial artist, but do you think you can beat me?" | vs. Videl |
"What's this? Goku, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you look smaller..." | vs. Goku (GT) |
"Lady or not, you're still a Saiyan, which means I need to stay focused!" | vs. Kefla |
"Goku, my boy. You've taken your skills as a martial artist to even greater heights!" | vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
Line | Situation |
"Yay! I win! I win!" | Generic |
"Looks like the old fart wins this one!" | |
"He he he! Goku, you've still got a long way to go!" | vs. Goku |
"Ha ha ha! I ain't losing to a young whippersnapper like you!" | vs. Vegeta / Gohan / Trunks / Gotenks / Android 17 |
"Well, Krillin? Your master's pretty cool, huh?" | vs. Krillin |
"Hee hee hee! Don't go failing for me now!" | vs. Females |
"Pay attention, Yamcha! You could learn a lot by watching your master at work!" | vs. Yamcha |
"You're looking at a martial arts master! Yay!" | vs. Tien |
Line | Situation |
"Y-You should respect your elders!" | Down |
"That's all I can do." | K.O. |
Results Screen[]
Line | Situation |
"You may beat me in power and speed, but I've got something you're lacking: experience!" | Generic |
"He he. Don't count this old geezer out just yet! I'm going to get even stronger!" | |
"You should be moving, learning, playing, eating, and resting every day. That's the Turtle School way!" | |
"A true martial artist doesn't fight to win; they fight to better themselves." | |
"The strongest fighter emerges as the winner. It's that simple... | |
"I've still got a lot of life left in these old limbs of mine. It was you and Krillin that taught me that lesson." | Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan) |
"As long as Goku keeps getting stronger, so too will Vegeta. They make good rivals for one another." | Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
"I know you're not the same Piccolo Master Mutaito and I fought way back in the day... But it's still wild to think that I'm here now, fighting alongside you." | Allied with Piccolo |
"He he he! Seeing you fight really takes me back, Gohan, my boy. Goku was right to give you that name." | Allied with Gohan (Teen) |
"Frieza... I'm still not sure how much we can actually trust you..." | Allied with Frieza |
"Ah, Trunks... You're definitely Vegeta's boy, alright. Your future's as good as saved with you around." | Allied with Trunks |
"Cell... You're one of the most evil guys around. Why would you help us? What are you scheming?" | Allied with Cell |
"Don't get cocky, Gotenks! It's a great big world out there, so there's bound to be someone better than you in it!" | Allied with Gotenks |
"Why are you surprised we won, Krillin? You should be more confident! You're a student of the Turtle School!" | Allied with Krillin |
"I sure hope you'll keep up that energy for the next fight, Buu! Just try to stay awake, okay?" | Allied with Majin Buu |
"Oof... This Nappa fellow really did a number on my students here today. I sure hope I don't have to fight on his side anymore..." | Allied with Nappa |
"Try not to die! That's all I got for you, Yamcha." | Allied with Yamcha |
"Tien, you've abandoned the path of evil and become a great martial artist. I'm proud of you and glad we met at the World Tournament." | Allied with Tien |
"Remain focus, Gohan. You should be ready for anything!" | Allied with Gohan (Adult) |
"Goku, you have unlimited potential! As your master, I hope you get even stronger and continue to surprise me!" | Allied with Goku (SSGSS) |
"I'm so very glad to see you're not the monster you were back then, Vegeta. You've become a fine martial artist." | Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS) |
"You're an assassin, huh? You don't seem as evil as Tao, but I have to say, I'm not a fan of techniques that kill people." | Allied with Hit |
"Now I know I've lived too long when I see someone as powerful as a God of Destruction!" | Allied with Beerus |
"When I tell my students a true martial artist strengthens their mind and body, I mean their OWN body! Not one they have stolen from somebody else!" | Allied with Goku Black |
"I'm quite proud of you, Goku, but you can still be a better martial artist!" | Allied with Goku |
"So this is Vegeta back in the day. He certainly acts more evil than he does now." | Allied with Vegeta |
"So it's "Broly", huh? You're just as dangerous and evil as you look!" | Allied with Broly |
"Zamasu, was it? You're in for a world of hurt if you keep underestimating us mortals." | Allied with Zamasu (Fused) |
"So this guy who looks like Goku is a Saiyan too, huh? He's good, but his technique is a little sloppy." | Allied with Bardock |
"I can think of no two better fighters to fuse together than Goku and Vegeta. And I can think of none who could beat them!" | Allied with Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta |
"I hear you're fond of animals, 17. Turtle can be a real pain at times, but I'm sure you two would get along." | Allied with Android 17 |
"You're without a doubt extremely strong, Jiren. But true strength is not something you obtain on your own. It's a team effort." | Allied with Jiren |
"Oho ho ho! Well done, Videl! You and Gohan make an excellent team!" | Allied with Videl |
"Goku, do me a favor. Tell Shenron thank you for the Dragon Balls..." | Allied with Goku (GT) |
"That Kefla is a real wild one. I guess all Saiyans, male or female, are like that in some way!" | Allied with Kefla |
"Goku, my boy! Remember you'll always have the Turtle School to guide you as you get even stronger!" | Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ | |||||
Base Roster | Goku (Super Saiyan) • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) • Piccolo • Gohan (Teen) • Frieza • Captain Ginyu • Trunks • Cell • Android 18 • Gotenks • Krillin • Kid Buu • Majin Buu • Nappa • Android 16 • Yamcha • Tien • Gohan (Adult) • Hit • Goku (SSGSS) • Vegeta (SSGSS) • Beerus • Goku Black • Android 21 | ||||
DLC | Season 1 | Goku • Vegeta • Broly • Zamasu (Fused) • Bardock • Vegito (SSGSS) • Android 17 • Cooler | |||
Season 2 | Jiren • Videl • Goku (GT) • Janemba • Gogeta (SSGSS) • Broly (DBS) | ||||
Season 3 | Kefla • Goku (Ultra Instinct) • Master Roshi • Super Baby 2 • Gogeta (SS4) | ||||
Other | Android 21 (Lab Coat) |