Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Mystic Arm Swing (ミスティックアームスイング) is a Special Move used by Kid Buu.


Kid Buu extends one arm at an upward angle to grab the opponent and slams them to the ground. Gains immunity to aerial attacks before the grab.

The Input L variant throw deals sliding knockdown toward Kid Buu.

The Input M variant throw pops the opponent into the air. Has more start-up lag, making it less useful for combos, but deals more damage.

The Input H variant combination of the Input L and Input M versions, containing the Input L version's speed and the Input M version's power and groundbounce.



Kid Buu's Special Move List
Special Move(s) Mystic Ball AttackMystic Arm SwingCandy BeamKamehamehaArm Ball
Super Attack(s) Human Extinction AttackPearl Flash
Meteor Attack(s) Planet Burst