Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Perfect Attack (パーフェクトアタック) is a Special Move used by Cell.


Cell performs a flip kick. On hit, he follows-up with a barrage of different attacks. All of the attacks can be canceled early into a Vanish. This move comes in three different variants:

The Input L variant has Cell an elbow strike, and a sliding kick. The sliding kick portion does not occur when used in the air.

The Input M variant has elbow strike swapping sides on hit. The last attack is a high kick that knocks the foe upwards. The flip kick covers more distance. The last attack does not occur when used in the air.

The Input H variant has two different attacks. When performed on the ground, Cell knocks the foe to the ground with a swipe of the palm and then kick them away. When used in the air, Cell elbow strikes the opponent to the ground and then bearhugs them.



Cell's Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Low Kick
Special Move(s) Perfect AttackRolling CrushHell StrikeKamehamehaPsycho Crash
Super Attack(s) Energy Field
Meteor Attack(s) Solar Kamehameha