Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Planet Namek

Planet Namek (ナメック星) is a stage in Dragon Ball FighterZ. It is the home planet of Piccolo. Frieza's ship can be seen on the left side of the stage and Namekian houses appears on the right side.

Stage Transitions[]

If a Destructive Finish by an energy attack is triggered, the stage transitions to Planet Namek (Destroyed).

Special Intro[]

If Goku (Super Saiyan) and Frieza are the first characters on each opposing teams, a special cinematic intro will play which reenacts Frieza killing Krillin, triggering Goku's Super Saiyan transformation. The cinematic will not play if Krillin present on either team.


Stages in Dragon Ball FighterZ
CavernCell Games ArenaGalactic ArenaIslandsLand of the Kai'sPlanet NamekPlanet Namek (Destroyed)Rocky Field (Evening)Rocky Field (Noon)SpaceWastelandWest CityWest City (Destroyed)World Tournament Arena