Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Planet Namek (Destroyed)

Planet Namek (Destroyed) (ナメック星(崩壊)) is a stage in Dragon Ball FighterZ. It takes place on the once beautiful Planet Namek, now ravaged and spewing with lava.

Dramatic Finish[]

Up to two Dramatic Finishes are available on this stage:

  • If Super Saiyan Goku defeats Frieza with a heavy or vanish attack, a cinematic plays where Goku stops the fight and flies off and Frieza attempts to kill Goku with an energy wave. However, Goku sees the attack at the last minute and fires his own beam back at Frieza, destroying the tyrant.

    Frieza about to be destroyed by Goku, in the dramatic finish.

  • If Gogeta defeats Broly with a heavy or vanish attack, a cinematic plays where Broly transforms into his Full-Power Super Saiyan state and engages Gogeta in combat. Gogeta manages to overpower Broly and fires an Ultimate Kamehameha at the Saiyan, who looks on in horror. On the other sides of the scene, Cheelai summons Shenron and wishes for Broly to be sent back to planet Vampa, succeeding in doing so right before Gogeta's blast can finish him off.



  • This is one of five stages to not be located on Earth. The others are 'Planet Namek, Space, Galactic Arena, and Land of the Kai's.
  • One of the melee destructive cinematic features the character being flung into a volcano, which bursts and violently erupts. This is quite possibly a reference to the lyrics of Cha-La-Head-Cha-La, the first opening to Dragon Ball Z. "Kazan wo Bakuhatsu Saseru!" This translates to: "Making a volcano explode!"
  • It is actual quite odd that a volcano would appear on this stage. Planet Namek was never shown to have any volcanoes on it's surface, and the ground being ruptured to the point of lava spilling out does not explain why a volcano would suddenly materialize, towering high above sea level.
Stages in Dragon Ball FighterZ
CavernCell Games ArenaGalactic ArenaIslandsLand of the Kai'sPlanet NamekPlanet Namek (Destroyed)Rocky Field (Evening)Rocky Field (Noon)SpaceWastelandWest CityWest City (Destroyed)World Tournament Arena