Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Raging Quake (アースクエイク) is a Special Move used by Broly (DBS).


The grounded variant consists of three hits: one when he is airborne, one when Broly lands, and one in the shockwave. In the air the move drags the opponent to the ground, and is cancellable into a super upon hitting the ground.

The Input L variant only hits in front of Broly.

The Input M variant hits full-screen and deals more damage, but has more startup and increased recovery frames.

The Input H variant has the Input L variant's speed along with higher damage than the Input M variant. Bounces opponent high into the air when hit from close range.


This move is best used after Broly's special attack in the air.


Broly (DBS)'s Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Headbutt
Special Move(s) Raging QuakeEraser BlowGigantic FuryGigantic Heave
Super Attack(s) Gigantic ChargeGigantic ImpactOmega BlasterMeteor Shower
Meteor Attack(s) Gigantic Roar