Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Rolling Crush (ローリングクラッシュ) is a Special Move used by Cell.


Cell performs a somersault and then attacks with a 12-6 elbow strike. When used on the ground, Cell travels along the ground and when used in the air, Cell descends downward at a 45° angle.

The Input L variant travels a short distance forward and travels until he reaches the ground in the air.

The Input M variant travels further than the Input L version. The distance Cell travels can be altered by holding either Input 4 or Input 6.

The Input H variant travels fairly quick.



Cell's Special Move List
Normal Attack(s) Low Kick
Special Move(s) Perfect AttackRolling CrushHell StrikeKamehamehaPsycho Crash
Super Attack(s) Energy Field
Meteor Attack(s) Solar Kamehameha