The Shop is one of the main facilities found in the Lobby. It is found on the left side of the lobby, directly north of the path to where Story Mode can be started. At the shop, a player can purchase capsules made by Capsule Corporation, items that can store an enormous amount of mass inside a pod roughly the size of an index finger. Capsules can be bought with either Zeni or Premium Z-Coins. One capsule costs either one thousand Zeni or ten Premium Z-Coins. A set of ten capsules costs either ten thousand Zeni or one hundred Premium Z-Coins. Capsules contain items purely for prestige and accessory. Buying capsules with Zeni can yield Premium Z-Coins, while Premium Z-Coins yield capsules that are guaranteed to contain items the player doesn't have, and are more likely to be rare. The Shop is also the place to buy extra, downloadable content with real money.
Items Found Inside Of Capsules[]
- Premium Z-Coins
- Titles
- Player Card Decals
- Lobby Characters
- Character Colors
- Commentator Voices For Replay Mode
- Z-Stamps
Downloadable Content Available For Purchase[]
- The FighterZ Season Pass
- Anime Music Pack
- Commentator Pack: Girls
- Sticker Pack: Girls
- Instant Unlock Of Goku (SSGSS) and Vegeta (SSGSS)
- Lobby Characters (Goku SSGSS and Vegeta SSGSS)
- Bardock
- Broly
- Vegito (SSGSS)
- Zamasu (Fused)
- Goku
- Vegeta
- Cooler
- Android 17
- Jiren
- Videl
- Goku (GT)
- Janemba
- Gogeta (SSGSS)
- Broly (DBS)
- Kefla