Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Sphere of Destruction (破壊球) is a Special Move used by Beerus.


Beerus fires a Sphere of Destruction and kicks it forward. Holding down either Input L, Input M, or Input H will not make Beerus kick the orb, which causes it to slowly float on the screen.

The Input L variant places a Sphere of Destruction near his midsection and kicks it at a low angle.

The Input M variant places a Sphere of Destruction near his head and kicks it diagonally downwards. The kick can wallbounce the opponent if they're close to the wall.

The Input H variant fires two Sphere of Destructions of both Input L and Input M variants simultaneously and kicks them forward. Holding Input 8 will make Beerus only kick the upper orb and holding Input 2 will make him only kick the lower orb. The kick itself functions similarly to the Input M variant.



Beerus's Special Move List
Special Move(s) Sphere of DestructionGod of Destruction's RampageSpheres of DestructionGod of Destruction's Wrath
Super Attack(s) Beerus BallBeerus Ball of Destruction
Meteor Attack(s) God of Destruction's Judgement