Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Spiral Heel Shot (スパイラルヒールシュート) is a Special Move used by Vegito (SSGSS).


Vegito performs two roundhouse kicks. If the first kick connects, Vegito unleashes barrage of kicks before knocking the opponent away. The first kicks makes Vegito move farther when used in the air.

The Input L variant travels about 70% of the screen on the ground.

The Input M variant travels about 80% of the screen on the ground. Both the last kick from the rush and the second kick after a whiff will cause a wallbounce if the opponent is close to the corner. Vegito travels further with both kicks, with the rush attack has a higher damage output. However, there's a bit more startup when performing the first kick.

The Input H variant Travels about 80% of the screen on the ground. The rush animation is slightly altered with Vegito unleashing more kicks that deals more damage overall. The startup speed is equivalent to the Input L and Vegito travels further ahead with both kicks.



Vegito (SSGSS)'s Special Move List
Special Move(s) Spiral Heel ShotAtomic BusterSplit Finger ShotBarrier
Super Attack(s) Spirit ExcaliburOmega Finishing Blow
Meteor Attack(s) Final Kamehameha