Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Attack Dialogues[]

Special Moves[]

Line Situation
Revenge Driver
"Scream!" Generic
"Beg for death!"
"Ha ha ha!"
I'm going to enjoy this!
"This is where you die!" On hit
"I'm going to enjoy this!"
Revenge Final Flash
"It's over!" Generic
"I'll erase you!"
Interceptor Kick
"Suffer!" Startup
"Try this!" On hit
"You're dust!"
"Out of my sight!"
Parasite Takeover
"Kill them!" Generic
"Come, my slave!"
"Obey your master!"
Dark Springshot
"Suffer!" Generic
"There's no escape!"

Super Attack[]

Line Situation
Full Power Energy Wave
"Prepare to be vaporized!" Generic
"This will end you."
"This is the end for you."

Meteor Attacks[]

Line Situation
Revenge Death Ball
"Experience pain like never before!" Generic
"Tremble in fear! Revenge Death Ball!"
"We Tuffles will have our revenge! Revenge Death Ball!" vs. Saiyans
Great Ape Assault
"You're in for a treat!" Startup
"Die die! DIE DIE DIE!" On hit
"Super... Galick Gun!" On hit (if teammates down)
"I'm going to blast you... Into smithereens!"
"Filthy Saiyan... You're DEAD!" On hit (if teammates down) vs. Saiyans

Match Dialogues[]

Sparking Blast[]

Line Situation
"You're going to hell!" Generic
"This charade ends now!"
"You underestimate my power!" vs. Goku
"Behold! The power of the Tuffles!" vs. Vegeta
"I've had enough Saiyan!" vs. Saiyans

Team Dialogues[]

An asterisk (*) detonates that there's two different lines associated in that situation.

Line Situation
Assist Call
"Do it!" Generic
"Get out here!"
"Goku!" (*) calling Goku
""Vegeta!" (*) calling Vegeta
"Piccolo!" (*) calling Piccolo
"Gohan!" (*) calling Gohan
"Trunks!" (*) calling Trunks
"Buu!" (*) calling Majin Buu
"Puny Saiyan!" calling Saiyans
Z Assist
"I'll play with you!" Generic
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
"It's the beginning of the end!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
"I'll be your executioner!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
"You're nothing but deadweight!" Generic
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
"I'll let you finish them off." Generic
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
"This isn't over!" Generic

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
"You are unfit to serve me!" Generic
"You will suffer for that!"
"This will all be over soon, Goku!" vs. Goku
"I will rid this universe of every last Saiyan!" vs. Saiyans


Line Situation
"I summon you, Shenron!" Summoning Shenron
"My vengeance will be realized!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
"Hmph. Immortality, eh?" "Make me immortal!"
"Heal my wounds!" "Restore my health!"
"Bring back the inferior warrior!" "Bring back my ally!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

"I am now so much more than the Tuffles who came before me!"
"I will revive the Tuffle homeworld, Planet Plant, and become ruler of the entire universe!"
"It wouldn't be much fun to kill you just yet. I want you to suffer first!"


Line Situation
"I don't just infect you... I control you. In other words, I BECOME you!" Pre-Interaction
"You, too, will become one of my loyal and obedient slaves, Vegeta!"
"After all this time, it's finally mine! I possess the strongest body in the universe!" Generic
"It's finally time! My long-awaited vengeance will soon be realized!"
"I'm going to kill you... and erase Saiyans from this universe!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku / Goku (GT)
"The crimes of your father will be paid for with your slow and painful death!" vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta
"I'll make quick work of you, Namekian, just like I did when I stole your beloved Gohan's body!" vs. Piccolo
"Before I allow you to die, I will demonstrate just how superior a Tuffle is to a primitive Saiyan like you!" vs. Gohan (Teen) / Gotenks / Broly / Bardock / Broly (DBS)
"Trunks, eh? I wonder how much power that body of yours is hiding. Let's find out!" vs. Trunks
"Any friend of that wretched Saiyan is an enemy of mine! You will suffer like the rest!" vs. Krillin / Yamcha / Tien / Videl / Master Roshi
"You corpulent waste of space... You will not stand in the way of my plan!" vs. Majin Buu
"I have no further need for that body of yours, so either die or become my slave. The choice is yours to make." vs. Gohan (Adult)
"Hmph! Another flashy and pointless transformation!" vs. Goku (SSGSS) / Vegeta (SSGSS) / Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"You two primates may have combined bodies, but it won't help you avoid death!" vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta / Kefla


"Curse you!"
"What's going on?"
"You dare oppose me?"


"You fool."


"You pest."


Line Situation
"First the North Galaxy, then the South Galaxy, then the entire universe will belong to the Tuffles!" Generic
"Tch. Is this your best? I was a fool for expecting more."
"What's wrong, Goku? I thought you Saiyans were supposed to be stronger than this!" vs. Goku
"Your so-called warrior race... It sickens me!" vs. Vegeta
"If this is the best the strongest Namekian can muster, then color me unimpressed." vs. Piccolo
"You don't belong in this universe, wretched Saiyan!" vs. Gohan (Teen) / Gotenks / Broly / Bardock / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta (SSGSS) / Broly (DBS) / Kefla / Gogeta (SS4)
"You're far too weak. Your body is a far cry from that of your father's." vs. Trunks
"That was a waste of time. You would have stood more of a chance if you had combined with Uub beforehand." vs. Majin Buu
"How disappointing. I now know I was right to abandon your body and take over this one." vs. Gohan (Adult)


Line Situation
"No! My plan!" Down
"No! I don't believe this!" K.O.


Line Situation
"Are you in pain? Then allow me to release you from your suffering!" Generic
"Bwa ha ha ha! This power! This Saiyan power is finally mine to wield!"
"Did you honestly think the brute force of a mindless barbarian would be enough to best ME?!"
"I can see you have some potential. Unfortunately for you, it's not enough to warrant my attention, let alone defeat me."
"It's only a matter of time before my plan is realized and we Tuffles have our revenge!"
"Mark my words, Goku: I WILL kill you! You aiding me in battle changes nothing!" Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku / Goku (GT)
"I have no need of your help, Vegeta. All I require of you is your magnificent body..." Allied with Vegeta (Super Saiyan) / Vegeta
"You're far stronger than I remember, Piccolo. I'll be sure to put that power of yours to good use... Heh heh heh." Allied with Piccolo
"I don't need help from a knuckle-dragging Saiyan, but I suppose I could still make you a slave! Bwa ha ha ha!" Allied with Gohan (Teen) / Nappa / Bardock / Broly (DBS)
"You're Trunks from an alternate future, are you? Should I snuff the light out of you or make you my slave? Heh heh heh." Allied with Trunks
"You savages are strong when you combine bodies, but you're still no match for an evolutionarily superior Tuffle!" Allied with Gotenks / Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta / Kefla
"I fail to see why that rotund buffoon came to my aid, but as long as he continues to prove useful, I'll let him live." Allied with Majin Buu
"So this is the full extent of your power, Gohan? I may need to borrow that body of yours once more..." Allied with Gohan (Adult)
"Damn you, Goku! How many more transformations do you have? Perhaps there's more to a Saiyan's power than I realized..." Allied with Goku (SSGSS)
"I'm actually impressed, Vegeta. It's just such power that makes your body the perfect vessel for my superior intellect!" Allied with Vegeta (SSGSS)
"Legendary Super Saiyan? What nonsense is that?! Legendary or not, Saiyans are nothing but brain-dead apes!" Allied with Broly
"I've never seen Goku move like that before... How could Saiyan filth like him come to possess such power?" Allied with Goku (Ultra Instinct)


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)