The Super Dash is a universal mechanic in Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Performed by pressing R2 or and
simultaneously, the user will wrap themselves in ki and fly towards their opponent, homing in on them. This action can be performed on the air or on the ground, though it can only used once in the air. To use it again, the player must first touch the ground. This action will be used automatically when a Dragon Rush is used to begin a combo, during an Auto-Combo, or when tagging in another character. The dash will go to great lengths to track the foe, though it is possible for it to miss under rare circumstances. While in flight, all basic projectiles will be batted away, as if being reflected.
Upon hitting the foe, it will deal a very minuscule amount of damage; however, the foe can not be knocked out from the damage this move does, instead leaving them with a single point of health left. After the dash, follow-ups can be performed. This move is not incredibly safe on block, and a player may be punished if it does not connect. As every crouching heavy attack (2H) in the game cleanly beats any aerial attack, timing it at least somewhat well will counter a Super Dash easily. Despite being an aerial move, this action can be blocked while crouching, cannot be canceled, and isn't very safe for the user if blocked, so take caution when using this move.
- Flight has had an odd history in Dragon Ball. In the original, it was stated that it was a technique only members of the Crane School could learn. However, later, at the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, it is shown that both Goku and Piccolo have learned to fly as well. Raditz, a warrior from space, could also fly. From that point forward practically every major character in the Dragon Ball franchise has been able to fly, excluding Master Roshi.