“"...It's ready! Goooo!"” |
—Goku right before launching the Attack |
The Super Spirit Bomb is Goku's level three super attack. He will appear on the top of the skybox opposite to the opponent. He will be holding a massive Spirit Bomb that he will throw at the ground. The Spirit Bomb will very slowly move at a sharp angle downwards. Goku is unable to move until the bomb has exploded. It is impossible to combo into this move alone, but there are moves to get around this. These include:
- Using an Ultimate Z-Change to cause a super attack to push the foe into the bomb
- Using a regular Spirit Bomb that has been charged to any level, and executing the super attack immediately after you are allowed to move.
- Using 2H, j.2H, 214M, 236S or j.236S.
Note that often opponents will simply stand and block this move if it is thrown raw, however, blocking cause the foe to take an enormous amount of chip damage. One should also be weary of using a vanish attack. Under the right conditions, a player will vanish on the wrong side of Goku and be swallowed by the Spirit Bomb. Finally this move is devastating to a player who chooses to use a homing dash against Goku while Goku is high in the air. Since the dash cannot be cancelled, they will run right into the bomb.
- Very high damage, but doesn't combo in every situation that normal Level 3s would. Most notably, you can't combo into it from sliding knockdowns
- In terms of comboing other characters' supers into it, it will work with basically any super you can think of.
- When in Limit Break, Goku can combo any Kaioken ender into this super provided he has enough meter. Landing a raw Lv2 into Super Spirit Bomb while in Limit Break is a ToD.
- Can be used against Super Dash in the air, but it's inconsistent unless you react very early. If you're too late the opponent will just SD under you and avoid the bomb entirely. Looks hilarious when it does work though.
Super Attacks That Can Combo Into The Super Spirit Bomb[]
This is a list of all the super attacks that can be used to Ultimate Z-Change into the Super Spirit Bomb:
- Gohan (Teen): Motionless Kamehameha- Change into the Spirit Bomb as soon as possible.
- Gotenks:Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack- With 236L+M input.
- Yamcha: Spirit Ball- When inputted with
(assuming the character is facing right), Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Nappa: Giant Storm- If you hold the button you input for the super, the attack will hit at full screen instead and launch the enemy up ans backwards, which lets you Z-Change into Spirit bomb.
- Kid Buu: Human Extinction Attack- Since this attack carries the foe upwards, the timing is lenient on this attack.
- Cell: Energy Field - While below the opponent in the air (facing away from the corner), Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Captain Ginyu (With Goku's Body): Using the Kaioken x3 Kamehameha (upwards) it is possible to combo into the Super Spirit Bomb
- Goku (Super Saiyan): Super Kamehameha- On the ground, the Super Kamehameha angled upwards can combo into the Super Spirit Bomb
- Gogeta (SSGSS): Big Bang Kamehameha- High in the air, use the move and immediately Ultimate Z-Change into the Super Spirit Bomb
- Vegeta (SSGSS): Galick Gun - On the ground, Galick Gun naturally angles upwards. In the corner, immediately Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Vegeta (SSGSS): Niagara Pummel - When in the corner, cancel the pummel and Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Videl: Rainbow Storm - When Videl is in the corner (back to the corner), Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Beerus: Beerus Ball - While in the air, use Beerus Ball and Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Zamasu (Fused): Divine Wrath - While in the air, after a heavy knockdown, fly for a second, use the move, then Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- Jiren: Colossal Uppercut- Use the move and Ultimate Z-Change as soon as possible.
- Android 21: Photon Wave - Similar to Videl's Rainbow Storm, you have to have your back to the corner, and then Z-Change into Super Spirit Bomb.
- The Super Spirit Bomb is the most damaging attack in the entire game, by a wide margin. (Not counting Self Destruct, of course!)
- This attack is also a contender for best scaling super attack, along with Farewell, Tien and Last Resort
- While under the effects of Sparking Blast, hitting a Super Spirit Bomb off of a Spirit Bomb charged to level 3 will deal around 80% damage raw. Because the regular Spirit Bomb is not part of the super attack, the attack will not deal 100% recoverable damage.
- This attack is used in a dramatic finish between Goku (Super Saiyan) and Kid Buu.
- This attack is used to kill Android 21 in Story Mode.