Attack Dialogues[]
Super Attacks[]
Line | Situation |
Tri-Beam | |
"Here goes! Tri-Beam!" | Generic |
"If you don't wanna die, then get out of the way!" | |
"I'll defeat you, even if it kills me!" | vs. Nappa |
Neo Tri-Beam | |
"Here goes!" | Generic (startup) |
"How's this?" | vs. Nappa (startup) |
Match Dialogues[]
Line | Situation |
"Just getting warmed up!" | vs. Yamcha |
"I'll never forgive you for that!" | vs. Nappa |
Team Dialogues[]
Line | Situation |
Assist Call | |
"Come on!" | Generic |
"Here!" | |
"All you, Goku!" | calling Goku |
"Goku!" | |
"Go, Vegeta!" | calling Vegeta |
"Vegeta!" | |
"Piccolo!" | calling Piccolo |
"Gohan!" | calling Gohan |
"Frieza!" | calling Frieza |
"Get out here, Trunks!" | calling Trunks |
"Trunks!" | |
"Cell!" | calling Cell |
"18!" | calling Android 18 |
"Krillin!" | calling Krillin |
"Buu!" | calling Kid Buu |
"Nappa!" | calling Nappa |
"16!" | calling Android 16 |
"Yamcha!" | calling Yamcha |
"Lord Beerus!" | calling Beerus |
"Broly!" | calling Broly |
Z Assist | |
"Get back!" | Generic |
"Get back, Yamcha!" | helping Yamcha |
Z Assist (Follow Up Attack) | |
"Let's do this!" | Generic |
"Let's go, Yamcha!" | helping Yamcha |
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%) | |
"Sorry for the wait." | Generic |
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%) | |
"What are you doing?" | Generic |
"Now's your chance! Go!" | swapping with Android 18 |
"Watch out, Krillin!" | swapping with Krillin |
"Get back, Yamcha!" | swapping with Yamcha |
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%) | |
"Help!" | Generic |
"I'll leave this to you, Piccolo!" | swapping with Piccolo |
"Come on, Krillin!" | swapping with Krillin |
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%) | |
"Don't push yourself!" | Generic |
Match Reset[]
Line | Situation |
"No more playing around!" | Generic |
"Why not? This could be interesting." | |
"I won't go down so easily!" | vs. Android 18 |
" Majin Buu?" | vs. Kid Buu |
"Let's go, Yamcha!" | vs. Yamcha |
Line | Situation |
"Come, Shenron!" | Summoning Shenron |
"Grant me my wish!" | "Give me the ultimate power!" |
"I wonder how long Master Roshi and the others can live." | "Make me immortal!" |
"I wish my health to be restored." | "Restore my health!" |
"Bring back my allies!" | "Bring back my ally!" |
Miscellaneous Dialogues[]
Character Selection[]
Quote |
"I'll fight too. This is a chance to test myself." |
"I'll show you the pride of a martial artist!" |
"Think you can keep up with me?" |
Line | Situation |
"Heh, you've got spirit, I'll give you that." | Generic |
"You're up against me now! Let's go!" | |
"Goku! It's good to see you again." | vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku (GT) |
"I'll still give it all I've got! Let's go!" | |
"Don't go easy Vegeta! I can take it!" | vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
"Piccolo! Let's go a few rounds!" | vs. Piccolo |
"Piccolo! Show me what you've got!" | |
"Okay, Gohan! Show me what you can do!" | vs. Gohan (Teen) |
"Show me the power you used to defeat Cell! Lets go!" | |
"So you're Frieza, huh? I've been looking forward to fighting you." | vs. Frieza |
"So you're the leader of the Ginyu Force, huh?" | vs. Captain Ginyu |
"Trunks, If you hold back, I'll never forgive you." | vs. Trunks |
"Allow me to test my power on you!" | vs. Cell / Master Roshi |
"I'm not just going to slow you down this time, Cell! I'm going to finish you off for good!" | vs. Cell |
"You two. It's time to pay you back for all you've done." | vs. Android 18 |
"I'm finally going to experience the power that let you keep Majin Buu at bay!" | vs. Gotenks |
"Haven't seen you in a while, Krillin. How have things been?" | vs. Krillin |
"I'm going to punish you for what you did to Earth!" | vs. Kid Buu |
"Okay Buu. This time you're going to have to deal with me!" | |
"You're up against me now, Majin Buu!" | vs. Majin Buu |
"Allow me to pay you back for what you did to me!" | vs. Nappa |
"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here." | |
"So I'm up against an android..." | vs. Android 16 |
"Bring it on, Yamcha! I'll tear right through you!" | vs. Yamcha |
"Oh no, there's no way I'm going to lose to you, Yamcha!" | |
"Don't hold back. Come on Gohan! Let's go!" | vs. Gohan (Adult) |
"Wow Gohan! You've grown up so fast!" | |
"So this is your full power... You're on a whole different level!" | vs. Goku (SSGSS) / Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
"'ve changed!" | vs. Vegeta (SSGSS) |
"If I die, then I die. It's that simple..." | vs. Beerus / Broly |
"This is a chance to test myself..." | |
"What are you plan on doing taking Goku's form like this?" | vs. Goku Black / Bardock |
"No Super Saiyan this time? You insult me." | vs. Goku |
"This is a great chance to see how much I've grown!" | vs. Vegeta / Master Roshi |
Line | Situation |
"I...I was no match for you..." | Down |
"I...can't...believe this..." | K.O. |
Line | Situation |
"Hey, thanks for the great match!" | Generic |
"Just give up! You can't win!" | |
"Goku! Do you think my training is working?" | vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku / Goku (GT) |
"Looks like my power gave me the edge this time." | |
"That was quite the fight, Vegeta." | vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan) |
"It looks like my training paid off!" | vs. Piccolo |
"You still have a lot of training to do!" | |
"You still need more training!" | vs. Gohan (Teen) |
"Looks like I proved too tough for you." | vs. Frieza |
"It's not that these guys are weak... We're just really strong!" | vs. Captain Ginyu |
"I win this time." | vs. Trunks |
"What's wrong Cell? My Tri-Beam too much for you?" | vs. Cell |
"Unlike you androids, we get stronger by training ourselves." | vs. Android 18 |
"You've got power, but you lack strategy!" | vs. Gotenks |
"You're no longer a martial artist, so don't overdo it." | vs. Krillin |
"You've gotten pretty good Krillin, not bad!" | |
"This is the end, you're done Majin Buu!" | vs. Kid Buu |
"Heaven or hell? The choice is yours!" | vs. Nappa |
"Hmph. You're no longer a worthy opponent!" | |
"Man Yamcha. You really need to train more, Hehe!" | vs. Yamcha |
"Things turned out like they did back at the World Tournament." | |
"You need more training, wow Gohan!" | vs. Gohan (Adult) |
"Did I really just win?!" | vs. Goku (SSGSS) / Goku (Ultra Instinct) |
"Now that I think about it, I was a villain just like you at one point..." | vs. Vegeta (SSGSS) |
"You can't fool me, I sense your power. You're not Goku!" | vs. Goku Black / Bardock |
"Looks like I've improved!" | vs. Vegeta |
Results Screen[]
Line | Situation |
"Being able to go a few rounds with you brings me great pride as a martial artist." | Generic |
"Just you wait. I'll be stronger the next time we fight!" | |
"Looks like I got a lot stronger than you thought I would..." | |
"There's a certain degree of luck involved in battle. But I can't rely on that. I need to train more." | |
"These are the results of my training!" | |
"I can't keep depending on you all the time, you know. I think I did pretty good, right?" | Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan) |
"Fighting alongside you puts me at ease. Can I always count on you to have my back?" | Allied with Piccolo |
"Who are these guys? What exactly do they want?" | Allied with Captain Ginyu |
"You should be more than capable of defending the future. Hang in there, Trunks." | Allied with Trunks |
"You definitely have great techniques. You've inspired me to improve my own." | Allied with Krillin |
"I have no intention of accepting your help. Stay away from me." | Allied with Nappa |
"Not bad, Yamcha. But don't get too comfortable." | Allied with Yamcha |
"I'm glad I had the opportunity to fight with you. It was able to help me get back to the basics." | Allied with Goku |
Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ | |||||
Base Roster | Goku (Super Saiyan) • Vegeta (Super Saiyan) • Piccolo • Gohan (Teen) • Frieza • Captain Ginyu • Trunks • Cell • Android 18 • Gotenks • Krillin • Kid Buu • Majin Buu • Nappa • Android 16 • Yamcha • Tien • Gohan (Adult) • Hit • Goku (SSGSS) • Vegeta (SSGSS) • Beerus • Goku Black • Android 21 | ||||
DLC | Season 1 | Goku • Vegeta • Broly • Zamasu (Fused) • Bardock • Vegito (SSGSS) • Android 17 • Cooler | |||
Season 2 | Jiren • Videl • Goku (GT) • Janemba • Gogeta (SSGSS) • Broly (DBS) | ||||
Season 3 | Kefla • Goku (Ultra Instinct) • Master Roshi • Super Baby 2 • Gogeta (SS4) | ||||
Other | Android 21 (Lab Coat) |