Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

The Vanish Attack is a skill available to every combatant in Dragon Ball FighterZ. it is sometimes called Instant Transmission, however, canonically, only Goku knows said technique. However, regardless of the nomenclature one may prefer, this universal mechanic is a key part of how offensive pressure operates in the game.

Spending one meter of ki will allow the user to suddenly seemingly dematerialize and reappear behind the foe, kicking them away. If used during a combo, this attack will cause a smash attack to be performed, allowing the user to follow up after it. Only one vanish attack per combo will have this effect. This attack can be easily blocked by an alert opponent. In order to keep pressure in one's favor, they can choose to spend a meter of ki to continue their assault. However, a gap in one's pressure can allow the foe to use this technique, escaping from the onslaught.

