Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Move List
Frame Data
Combo List

Images sourced from the Dustloop Wiki

Ease of Use
Videl's stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website.

Normal Attacks[]

Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L 350 Crouch
Videl 5L An upward jab.
Input LInput L 600 All
Videl 5LL An upward punch with her other hand.
Input LInput LInput L 1000
Videl 5LLL
DBFZ Videl 5LLL2
Grabs the opponent and performs the tomoe nage, a Judo throw.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M 600 [1050] All
Videl 5M A downward kick from a high angle. This attack can be used twice in succession when inputting Input 4Input MInput M afterwards.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H 750 All
Videl 5H Takes a step forward and charge-leans the opponent with back of her shoulder. Causes a wallbounce on hit.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S 580 All
Videl 5S Videl calls Great Saiyaman, who attacks at the opponent with a charging punch. Videl cannot call out Great Saiyaman if he's already out on the stage.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input L 350 Crouch
Videl 2L Pokes the ground with one foot.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input M 600 Crouch
Videl 2M A crouching sidekick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H 750 All
Videl 2H A standing uppercut that launches the opponent. Invulnerable to air-attacks.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input S 800 All
Videl 2S Calls in Great Saiyaman, who throws a ki blast at the opponent. If the ki blast connects, Saiyaman will strike a triumphant pose.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input M 850 Stand
Videl 6M A jumping axe kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input L (in air) 350 Stand
Videl jL A midair jab.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input M (in air) 600 Stand
Videl jM An airborne side kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input H (in air) 750 Stand
Videl jH An axe kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input S (in air) 850 All
Videl jS Calls in Great Saiyaman, who does a dive kick and then poses.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input H (in air) 750 All
Videl j2H A midair high kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input S (in air) 600 All
Videl j2S Calls in Great Saiyaman, who does a downward dive kick directly above the opponent's current position and then poses.

Special Moves[]

Justice Combination (ジャスティスコンビネーション)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 6Input H 1740 All
DBFZ Videl 6H1
DBFZ Videl 6H2
DBFZ Videl 6H3
A three-hit combo consisting of a charging knee strike, an upward sweep kick, and an elbow thrust. This combo can be cancelled out by another Special Move, a Super/Meteor Attack, a Super Dash, and a Input 6Input M input.
Videl Rush (ビーデルラッシュ)
Videl Videl Rush Performs a jumping hook kick. If the kick connects, Videl can follow up with an additional attack with Input L, Moonsault Kick with Input M, or Frankensteiner with Input H. The latter two functions the same as their respective original inputs, with Frankensteiner consuming half a Ki gauge.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input L (air OK) 650 All
The kick travels 30% of the screen.
Input 236Input M (air OK) 700 All
The kick travels further and deals more damage, but has slightly more startup.
Input 236Input H (air OK) 800 All
A slightly stronger hook kick that goes much more further ahead. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Follow-up iconInput L (air OK) 650 Stand
DBFZ Videl Rush 236XL An elbow drop.
Follow-up iconInput LInput L 1020 All
DBFZ Videl Rush 236XLL Does a quick barrage of punches. Can only be used if Videl is on the ground.
Follow-up iconInput LInput LInput L 1000 All
DBFZ Videl Rush 214S A jumping knee strike. Causes a weak wallbounce at the corner.
Frankensteiner (フランケンシュタイナー)
DBFZ Videl 214X 1.png
DBFZ Videl 214X 2
Performs a downward divekick, catching the opponent's head between her legs and slams down into the ground.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input L (air OK) 1000
Jumps up and then does a downward divekick, catching the opponent's head between her legs and slams down into the ground.
Input 214Input M (air OK) 1295 [700]
Jumps forward and then moves back before utilizing the divekick, throwing them upward. After the throw, Great Saiyaman appears from above and attacks the opponent with a downward divekick. Catching the opponent while Saiyaman is out on the stage causes him to disappear. Holding down Input M will not make Great Saiyaman appear for the follow-up attack. Causes a weak wallbounce in when at the corner.
Input 214Input H (air OK) 1395 [800]
This variant makes Videl quickly jump forward and then performs the divekick to throw the opponent forward. Great Saiyaman follows up with a 60 degree divekick, knocking the opponent back to Videl. Saiyaman will not attack if Input H is held. Causes a weak wallbounce in when at the corner. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Moonsault Kick (ムーンサルトキック)
DBFZ Videl 236XM An arcing flip jump followed up by a downward kick.
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 2Input 2Input L 650 Stand
The jump covers about 80% of the screen.
Input 2Input 2Input M 700 Stand
The jump has better tracking and the kick deals more damage.
Input 2Input 2Input H 800 Stand
Travels a shorter distance than the Input M variant, but deals more damage and causes a groundbounce on hit. Consumes half a Ki gauge.
Rising Eagle (イーグルフィニッシュ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input S 700 All
Videl Rising Eagle A jumping knee attack.


Videl Rush (ビーデルラッシュ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input A1/Input A2 700 All
Videl Videl Rush Does the Input M variant of the hook kick.

Super Attacks[]

Rainbow Storm (レインボーストーム)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input LInput M 1880 All
DBFZ Videl 236LM
DBFZ Videl 236LM2
A flip kick that knocks the opponent up into the air. While its damage output is low, Videl can follow-up with additional attacks after connection. Consumes one Ki gauge.
Defender of Love & Justice, Great Saiyaman! (愛と正義のグレートサイヤマン参上)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 236Input HInput S 2318 All
DBFZ Videl 236HS1.png
DBFZ Videl 236HS2
Places her hands on her hips. If Videl gets hit, Great Saiyaman appears from above and knocks the opponent down with a downward punch. Upon the first connection, Great Saiyaman will perform his trademark heroic dance, which gives him a damage increase on all of his attacks. Saiyaman can only perform the dance once per round. Consumes one Ki gauge.

Meteor Attacks[]

Justice Rush (ジャスティスラッシュ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input 214Input LInput M or Input HInput S 4099 All
DBFZ Videl 214LM1.png
DBFZ Videl 214LM2
Charges forward and does a roundhouse kick. Upon connecting, Great Saiyaman joins in and both of them pummel the opponent before finishing with a coordinated divekick attack. Consumes three Ki gauges.
Justice Revenge (ジャスティスリベンジ)
Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage
Input HInput S (when down) 3888 All
DBFZ Videl Wakeup
Videl Justice Revenge
Great Saiyaman appears and protects Videl by firing a Kamehameha at the opponent. As an additional aesthetic, Saiyaman loses his turban if the move is used while using Videl's default costume. Consumes three Ki gauges.


Playable Characters' Move List in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)