Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
Frame Data
Combo List

Match Dialogues[]


Line Situation
She says to him or her, "You're not getting past me!" Generic
She says to him or her, "You're in trouble now!" vs. Goku & friends

Team Dialogues[]

Line Situation
Assist Call
She says to him or her, "Hey!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Now!"
She says to him, "Goku!" calling Goku
She says to him, "Vegeta!" calling Vegeta
She says to him, "Piccolo!" calling Piccolo
She says to him, "Gohan!" calling Gohan
She says to him, "Cell!" calling Cell
She says to her, "18!" calling Android 18
She says to him, "Gotenks!" calling Gotenks
She says to him, "Krillin!" calling Krillin
She says to him, "Kid Buu!" calling Kid Buu
She says to him, "Buu!" calling Majin Buu
She says to him, "Yamcha!" calling Yamcha
Z Assist
She says to him or her, "I'll take care of this!" Generic
Z Assist (Follow-Up Attack)
She says to him or her, "This is gonna hurt!" Generic
Tag In (Ally Health ≥ 25%)
She says to him or her, "My turn." Generic
Tag In (Ally Health < 25%)
She says to him or her, "That's enough!" Generic
Tag Out (Own Health ≥ 25%)
She says to him or her, "Switch out!" Generic
She says to him, "Please don't die, Gohan." swapping with Gohan
Tag Out (Own Health < 25%)
She says to him or her, "Thanks." Generic
She says to him, "Gohan, take care of this guy would you?" or she says to him, "Gohan, take care of this gal would you?" swapping with Gohan

Match Reset[]

Line Situation
She says to him or her, "I'm not gonna let you get away with this!" Generic
She says to him or her, "You're up against me now!"
She says to him or her, "Guess I have to go all out!" vs. Goku & friends
She says to him, "Here I go, Gohan!" vs. Gohan


Line Situation
She says to him, "I summon you, Shenron!" Summoning Shenron
She says to him, "Grant my wish!" "Give me the ultimate power!"
She says, "Eternal youth. That doesn't sound too bad actually." "Make me immortal!"
She says to him, "Please heal my body." "Restore my health!"
She says to him, "Bring everyone back!" "Bring back my allies!"

Miscellaneous Dialogues[]

Character Selection[]

She says to him or her, "I'm a martial artist too, you know!"
She says, "I'm looking for some good competition!"
She says to him or her, "You're up against me now!"
Long Hair
She says to him or her, "Hey, get up! You've still got some fight in you, haven't you?"
She says to him, "S-So, Gohan. D-Do you prefer girls with short hair?"
She says, "Was that some sort of trick?"


Line Situation
She says to him or her, "If you know what's good for you, you'll give up now!" Generic
She says to him or her, "You'll be sorry if you go easy on me just because I'm a girl!"
She says to him, "So you're Gohan's dad... I'm looking forward to fighting you, sir!" vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Goku (SSGSS) / Goku / Goku (Ultra Instinct)
She says to him or her, "You know Gohan, don't you? Let's see what you've got!" or she says to the two of them, "You two know Gohan, don't you? Let's see what you've got!" vs. Goku's friends
She says to him, "So, this is Gohan back when he beat Cell... He's so...intense." vs. Gohan (Teen)
She says to him, "Cell?! I thought my Dad took care of you!" vs. Cell
She says to the two of them, "Alright, Goten and Trunks! Let's see what you kids can do!" vs. Gotenks
She says to him, "I'm up against Kid Buu?! How did this happen?!" vs. Kid Buu
She says to him, "I'm up against Buu, huh? If only Dad were here to see his two students duke it out!" vs. Majin Buu
She says to him, "Don't you dare go easy on me, Gohan!" vs. Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "You're going to have another temper tantrum, aren't you? Not on my watch!" vs. Broly
She says to the two of them, "Th-The two of them fused? I don't know if I can do this..." vs. Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta
She says to him, "Goten? Wait, 'Goku'?! Is that you?!" vs. Goku (GT)


Line Situation
She says to him or her, "How do you like that?! I'm a martial artist too, you know!" Generic
She says to him or her, "Wow, you're not as good as you look. I'm kind of disappointed."
She says to him or her, "Thanks so much!" vs. Goku
She says to him or her, "Heh heh! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this 'energy-laced instinct' stuff!" vs. Goku's friends
She says to him, "I can't believe you had this much power as a kid, Gohan! You're incredible!" vs. Gohan (Teen)
She says to him, "Hmph! Now I see why you couldn't beat my dear Gohan!" vs. Cell
She says to the two of them, "So, what do you kids think? Not bad, huh?" vs. Gotenks
She says about Gohan, "You're kidding... I actually beat Kid Buu...?" vs. Kid Buu
She says to him, "You know, Buu, you're way too nice to my Dad!" vs. Majin Buu
She says to him, "How was I, Gohan? I'm not just some girl from your class anymore, huh?" vs. Gohan (Adult)
She says to him, "Now then, we need to talk about your behavior!" vs. Broly


Line Situation
She says, "I have to win..." Down
She says about Hercule and Gohan, "Dad, Gohan, I'm sorry." K.O.

Results Screen[]

Line Situation
She says about Hercule, "I think I might bring my Dad along next time. It's been too long since he's trained." Generic
She says to him or her, "I wouldn't look down on me if I were you. I can hold my own in a fight."
She says to him or her, "Phew! I'm going to take a short break... Let's go again in a little bit!"
She says, "Those were some crazy explosions... I guess there's more to this explosive-laced energy stuff than I thought!"
She says to him or her, "You know, that Great Saiyaman might not be so lame after all..."
She says to him, "You're so strong... I can see why Gohan respects you so much!" She's Allied with Goku (Super Saiyan)
She says, "This is Gohan when he was younger... Wow, so he's always been a cutie!" She's Allied with Gohan (Teen)
She says to the two of them, "You may be strong, but you're still just kids. I think that's enough playtime for you!" She's Allied with Gotenks
She says to him, "Now my Dad's calling you his student? He's really full of himself, isn't he?" She's Allied with Majin Buu
She says to him, "There's something different about you, but you're still my kind-hearted Gohan!" She's Allied with Gohan (Adult)
She says, "Do I really have to partner up with this guy? There's no telling when he's going to go crazy!" She's Allied with Broly
She says to the two of them, "I can't believe you two fused... And I thought MY Dad was embarrassing!" She's Allied with Vegito (SSGSS) / Gogeta


Playable Characters' Quotes in Dragon Ball FighterZ
Base Roster Goku (Super Saiyan)Vegeta (Super Saiyan)PiccoloGohan (Teen)FriezaCaptain GinyuTrunksCellAndroid 18GotenksKrillinKid BuuMajin BuuNappaAndroid 16YamchaTienGohan (Adult)HitGoku (SSGSS)Vegeta (SSGSS)BeerusGoku BlackAndroid 21
DLC Season 1 GokuVegetaBrolyZamasu (Fused)BardockVegito (SSGSS)Android 17Cooler
Season 2 JirenVidelGoku (GT)JanembaGogeta (SSGSS)Broly (DBS)
Season 3 KeflaGoku (Ultra Instinct)Master RoshiSuper Baby 2Gogeta (SS4)
Other Android 21 (Lab Coat)