Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki

Videl Rush is one of Videl's special moves. By default, it is bound to Input 236 and Input L, Input M, or Input H. This move can be used in the air or on the ground. It is a modular string of attacks, that can be changed depending on the order of inputs.

The starter move is a rushing hook kick. The light starter comes out the quick, does the least damage, and travels the shortest distance. The medium starter comes out slower, but does more damage and travels farther. The heavy starter costs a half meter of ki and starts up the quickest, goes the farthest distance, and does the most damage.

After this, the attack pattern can be changed. Pressing Input M at any point in the string will cancel the move into Moonsault Kick, forcing the opponent to block standing and to their back, even if in the corner. Pressing Input H at any point in the string will consume a ki meter and performs the heavy variant of Frankensteiner. It is a command grab and cannot be blocked. However, it will miss a foe who is blocking while crouching.

Pressing Input L will continue the string forward, whereas cancelling into either Moonsault Kick or Frankensteiner will end the attack. With the first additional press of Input L, Videl will continue into a jumping overhead elbow strike. It is an overhead attack and must be blocked standing. Pressing Input L again will cause her to follow into a series of rapid punches. Finally, a third additional press of Input L will cause Videl to follow up into Rising Eagle.

While in the air, regardless of the starter, all follow up attacks will be the overhead elbow attack. The light variant does the least damage. The medium variant does more damage and causes a knockdown. The heavy variant costs a ki meter, does more damage, and causes a slightly longer knockdown.
