Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki
West City (Destroyed)

West City (Destroyed) (西の都(崩壊)) is a stage in Dragon Ball FighterZ. The stage is set on a ruins of West City with multiple destroyed vehicles and buildings.

Stage Transitions[]

If an opponent gets sent flying by a strong attack, the stage transitions to Rocky Field (Evening).

Dramatic Finish[]

Up to two Dramatic Finishes are available on this stage:

  • If Vegito (SSGSS) defeats Zamasu (Fused) with a heavy or vanish attack, Zamasu begins a speech regarding his status as a god. Vegito interrupts by punching Zamssu in the face and fires a Final Kamehameha.
  • If Trunks defeats Zamasu (Fused) with a heavy or vanish attack, Trunks gathers the energy of everyone on the planet, forming a blade of combined energy and uses it to slice Zamasu in two.


Stages in Dragon Ball FighterZ
CavernCell Games ArenaGalactic ArenaIslandsLand of the Kai'sPlanet NamekPlanet Namek (Destroyed)Rocky Field (Evening)Rocky Field (Noon)SpaceWastelandWest CityWest City (Destroyed)World Tournament Arena