The Z-Reflect is a universal mechanic available to all combatants in Dragon Ball FighterZ. By pressing and
while on the ground, any combatant can perform some sort of move to counter a blow. Any move can be deflected, except for command grabs. Melee attacks will be repelled by pushing the foe backwards, while projectiles will be redirected to the background. This action can be repeated as many times as needed, which can allow players to defend Super Attacks with correct timing. Reflecting a move fills the defendant's ki gauge, so reflecting a Super Attack may be worth the risk of failing and getting hit if the user is desperate enough for meter. Even if the attack is reflected correctly, the opponent can still act and perform another one.
Videl is the only character who cannot perform a Z-Reflect. Instead, attempting this move will cause her to perform a dodge in place; if it is successful, Videl gains full invincibility for the rest of the move, and the opponent is considered to miss their blow, though the dodge does not ignore command grabs, just like the Z-Reflect. Her invincibility can be lost a bit earlier (2 frames) by perfoming another move such as a block or an attack.