Z Assists (almost always simply called just simply 'an assist') is a universal mechanic available to all combatants in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Every character has a move that be called upon whilst they are on the sidelines. It has been shown that in Season 3, every character will have three moves to choose from before the battle begins. The characters can be called by pressing either the or
buttons, with the former calling upon the character set second on the team and the latter calling
the third character. Holding said buttons will instead perform a Z-Change to said character. Calling an assist causes a character to appear, perform their assist move, and disappear.
Every character has three assists that can be selected before a match. A and B type assists are both unique but overall normal assists. The C type assists are much more powerful, but the recharge time is much longer. Furthermore, keep in mind that your assists will not recharge if you have kept the opponent in blockstun for a long amount of time. They will start to recharge a short while after the opponent is no longer being pressured.
Every assist has an incredibly important role on a team. They are used to keep pressure on an opponent, to fill in holes in a character's blockstrings, and to allow combos to be extended to incredible lengths. Upon calling an assist, there is a short amount of time, which varies depending on the character, before the move will be performed. Be wary. It is possible for an opponent to hit said assisting character, and cause them to disappear without performing the assist move. Or, even worse, they might be stuck in a combo with the character currently fighting. In extreme circumstances, they can even be knocked out. Assists take more damage as assists than they would up front.
List of Z Assists[]
Character | Z Assist A | Z Assist B | Z Assist C |
Goku (Super Saiyan) | Kamehameha | Flurry Kick | Dragon Storm |
Vegeta (Super Saiyan) | Consecutive Energy Blast | Super Dash Kick | Crushing Knee Kick |
Piccolo | Homing Energy Blast | Demon Shocker | Demon Slicer |
Gohan (Teen) | Super Dragon Flight | Masendan | Flying Kick |
Frieza | Death Slash | You might not survive this time | Psychokinesis |
Captain Ginyu | Strong Jersey | We are the Ginyu Force! | Strong Mixer |
Trunks | Change the Future | Masenko | Flurry Slash |
Cell | Kamehameha | Shoulder Tackle | Perfect Attack |
Android 18 | Barrier | Destructo-Disc | Support Attack |
Gotenks | Galactic Donuts | Miracle Super Punch | Vengeful Shout |
Krillin | Senzu Bean | Kamehameha | Solar Flare |
Kid Buu | Arm Ball | Mystic Ball Attack | Kamehameha |
Majin Buu | Sweeping Breath | Fat Throw | Cartwheel |
Nappa | Blazing Storm | Too bad | Deluxe Bomber |
Android 16 | Hell Heat | Hell Impact | Hyper Tackle |
Yamcha | Wolf Fang Fist | Kamehameha | Wolf Fang Fist: Pack Attack |
Tien | Dodon Ray | Telekinesis | Volleyball Fist |
Gohan (Adult) | Jet Uppercut | Machine Gun Punch | Masenko |
Hit | Guard Breaker | Instant Blow | Time Release |
Goku (SSGSS) | Dragon Flash Fist | Divine Void Strike | Instant Transmission |
Vegeta (SSGSS) | Big Bang Attack | Infinity Breaker | Super Dash Kick |
Beerus | Sphere of Destruction | God of Destruction's Rampage | God of Destruction's Wrath |
Goku Black | Black Kamehameha | Godly Severance | Fierce God Kick |
Android 21 | Total Detonation Ball | Hors d-Oeuvre Stab | Snack Time |
Goku | Energy Shockwave | Everyone, lend me your energy! | Kamehameha |
Vegeta | Energy Cutter | Super Dash Kick | Dirty Fireworks |
Broly | Eraser Blow | Machine Gun Shot | Lariat Express |
Zamasu (Fused) | DIvine Order | Eternal Justice | Divine Authority |
Bardock | Rebellion Spear | Tyrant Lancer | Rebellion Combination |
Vegito (SSGSS) | Split Finger Shot | Spiral Heel Shot | Spirit Sword |
Android 17 | Reverse Gear | Power Blitz Charge | Accel Driver |
Cooler | Death Breaker | Genocidal Uppercut | Death Crasher |
Jiren | Infinity Rush | Grand Charge | Flash Fist |
Videl | Videl Rush | Eagle Rush | Rising Eagle |
Goku (GT) | Kamehameha | Dragon Flash Fist | Power Pole |
Janemba | Phantom Assault | Demonic Blade | Hellblade Flurry |
Gogeta (SSGSS) | Super Dash Kick | Rising Vortex | Galick Gun |
Broly (DBS) | Raging Quake | Eraser Blow | Blaster Cannon |
Kefla | Super Cannonball | Mighty Kick | Gigantic Breaker |
Goku (Ultra Instinct) | Rising Heat | Kamehameha | Unrestrained Will |