vs. SaiyansGoku (Super Saiyan) / Gohan (Teen) / Gotenks / Nappa / Gohan (Adult) / Vegeta (SSGSS) / Goku / Vegeta / Broly / Bardock / Goku (GT) / Gogeta (SSGSS) / Goku (Ultra Instinct) / Gogeta (SS4)
"For the Zero Mortal Plan!"
vs. Goku (Super Saiyan) / Piccolo / Android 18 / Krillin / Yamcha / Tien / Goku (GT) / Goku (Ultra Instinct)
"You never learn..."
vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
"Someone wishes to die?"
vs. Trunks
"You again...Trunks?!"
"I will be the one who snuffs out the life out of you filthy mortals!"
vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"You Saiyans are painfully unaware of your weaknesses."
vs. Vegeta (SSGSS)
"This is my divine burden."
vs. Beerus
"Mortals truly are pathetic."
vs. Vegito (SSGSS)
"That transformation is no match for a god!"
"I summon you forth, Shenron!"
Summoning Shenron
"*divine language*, peas and carrots!"
"Give me the ultimate power!"
"Grant my other half immortality!"
"Make me immortal!"
"Restore my health to its former glory!"
"Restore my health!"
"Revive that fool!"
"Bring back my ally!"
Miscellaneous Dialogues[]
Character Selection[]
"I am Zamasu! I am the wisdom, the law, and the power of the universe!"
"Listen well. For I am sun that lights this world, and that shall be known as justice."
"The Zero Mortal Plan starts today. It will be completed when all remaining life has been extinguished."
"I am justice given form! I am the world! Now venerate the most noble, most splendid, immortal, and supremely powerful god: Zamasu!"
"This day marks the beginning of a new chapter of the universe! The name of the one to author that chapter is Zamasu, the bringer of eternal order!"
"I suppose I should commend your perseverance in the face of your annihilation..."
vs. Trunks
"No matter how much mortals combine their power, it will be nothing more than child's play compared to the power of the gods!"
vs. Gotenks
"To think you can touch a god proves that you is stained with sin!"
vs. Goku (SSGSS)
"I shall defeat you, eradicate humanity, and bring about the dawn of an endless age that can never be tainted."
vs. Vegito (SSGSS)
"Once again mortals imitate the gods, as they always do... And why is that? Because the gods are great? Because the gods are too beautiful?"
"Behold! A body with limitless power and immortality!"
"Indeed, by becoming one with Goku, I have taken the sins of humanity and the failure of the gods into myself!"
"A foolish lifeform doomed to see its very own mistakes."
vs. Trunks
"So, where will you go for aid now? The past? The future?"
"But is it sad? Are mortals to be pitied? An act committed by the gods is virtuous, but the same act committed by a mortal is evil...and thus becomes a sin!"